PS3 Disc Drive Not Reading

  • Thread starter alvin23a
New South Wales
Hi I have a PS3 slim 160GB (did they made 160GB?). Anyway I was playing WRC 2010 and the game froze. I unplugged the console from the main power cable (as I normally do when a game freezes) and now it wont read any disc I put in the console. Also it 'grabs' the disc then about a coupe of seconds later the disc drive mades a seperate noise, which I have never noticed before and I am not sure if this is normal.

Please help!
I can't help with the disc read error. I had a similar problem with a "fat" ps3, but you should never just unplug your console like that. I wouldn't be surprised if that is what's caused the issue. If a game freezes, hold the "on/off" button until you hear a beep. The console will then turn itself off.
Just suffered the same problem.... bugger! Everything else works, which is good because I've backed up GT5! It's a year old next week (according to my wife who bought it for me as a Christmas pressie).
I checked a few sites and it seems to be a known laser problem.... takes 4 weeks to fix. Free if under warranty, $150 if not!
I'm getting fed up of crap quality electronics these days.... they seem to be engineered to last until a week after the warranty expires, although in this case I might be lucky as it failed "early"!
Just suffered the same problem.... bugger! Everything else works, which is good because I've backed up GT5! It's a year old next week (according to my wife who bought it for me as a Christmas pressie).
I checked a few sites and it seems to be a known laser problem.... takes 4 weeks to fix. Free if under warranty, $150 if not!
I'm getting fed up of crap quality electronics these days.... they seem to be engineered to last until a week after the warranty expires, although in this case I might be lucky as it failed "early"!
Yeah what sucks is if your like me and play a lot of games. Even though I backed up all my data, the system restore didn't copy games like all the NFSs and WRC so I lost out big time (damn copy protection shouldn't even be to the consloe should be to the PSN account).
Well, good news for me.... the PS3 was bought at Costco. It got taken back today, just less than a year after purchase, and they were great! Just asked what was wrong, told them it didn't read discs any more, and they exchanged for a brand new unit! We didn't even have the receipt (it was on the card record)! How's that for Customer Care??

Still, had to update the machine when connected, then GT5.... took bloody ages!

Sony need to get a grip. They used to be renowned for quality products... now they're built in China, that's gone out of the window.

All electronics are made in China/Taiwan/Malaysia/etc. You're making some pretty big assumptions there for having one console failure.
I have the same problem. Last night it froze, and then it doesn´t spin the discs anymore. I didn´t turn it off in any inappropriate way, but used the on/off on the console. I have a really old 60GB piece, wich I bought for GT4, so no warranty left! ;-D. I´m thinking the problem may be mechanical rather than electric though. I have opened it up and made some repairs before, so I´m gonna do that again and see what the problem may be. I´ll report back here about my findings.
I'm getting fed up of crap quality electronics these days.... they seem to be engineered to last until a week after the warranty expires.
Business tactic: Makes you buy another one.
We didn't even have the receipt (it was on the card record)! How's that for Customer Care??
My friend abused that; has a 80gb fat, bought a 250gb slim from Costco, swapped HDDs, returned a 80gb questions asked...

This trust without receipt can easily be abused and Costco can get themselves into a mess for it.
The CD drive went out on my old ps3 (launch console) sent it in warranty. Then what I guess happend was that the GPU was going out (green spots in the screen). Then it stopped responding to any I/O devices. Called sony, they said I had to pay $150, so I just went back to playing the 360:tup:. Now I have a PS3 slim. Sad thing is that I cant get the data off my old HDD :yuck:.
Guys, if you're out of warranty then just order a new blu-ray laser assembly for your playstation model. Open up your playstation, remove the drive. Open the drive and remove the old laser assembly (be careful with the thing band cables) which should rest on 4 big screws with rubber anti-vibration pads. Transfer the pads on the new assembly, screw it in. Attach cables again. Close the drive again and put it in the ps3, close ps3. Connect, power on and play again.

It's an easy task. ;)
Everybody always thinks that electronics are hard to fix. *sigh*
Everybody always thinks that electronics are hard to fix. *sigh*

I'd have cleaned out and possibly reapplied the thermal paste if I could find out what last thing was holding that last corner of the metal plate, no screw visible, nothing.

Manual stuff like this isn't hard, figuring out and modifying circuitry is harder.
I just checked to see how much I could get my 80GB-Last-of-the-reverse-compatible system fixed.... down to $100 online I think...
Had the same problem with mine :) The blue ray drive is the most expensive part of a ps3 i.e why they can be expensive. When mine broke I bought a new Blue ray drive for £60,dont know what that is in $$ but it was cheaper than a new ps3 :)
Did a search and this is the newest thread on this issue

My PS3 slim hasnt been able to read a dual layer BD in over a year. Movies (95%+ of new BD movies are dual layer) or game (The Last of Us). It reads single layer games (Little Big Planet 2) just fine

With this 'fix' I booted a dual layer BD movie for the first time in over a year. Its worth a shot if you are having disc read problems


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