PS3 Games w/ YouTube Uploading Feature


1955-2011 R.I.P.
United States
Austin, Texas
D-Nitrate / GTP_DNitrate
Back in May of last year, the first game to feature the ability to record and upload in-game video clips directly to YouTube was Mainichi Issyo (which is really an interactive news reader with mini-games):

Interesting little bit that came in quietly for 2.35.

Originally Posted by IGN
We reported earlier today on a video upload feature that's present in the latest update to Sony's Japan-only Mainichi Issyo game for the PS3. This feature allows players to record their gameplay sessions and either save the resulting clips to the PS3 hard disk, or have the footage instantly uploaded to YouTube. While Mainichi Issyo is currently the only PS3 title to have this feature, Sony's plans for YouTube compatibility appear to be a bit more expansive.

It turns out that the YouTube compatibility is one of those secret updates that occasionally make it unannounced into a PlayStation 3 firmware update. The functionality was added to the PS3 operating system via Version 2.35 of the firmware, which became available to PS3 owners today.

Having your firmware updated to 2.35 doesn't mean you can go into any game, record your gameplay sessions, and upload the clips to YouTube, though. Individual game titles have to support the feature for it to work, and currently Mainichi Issyo is the only title to do so. However, Sony told Japan's Impress Watch, "It's possible that similar functionality will be added to other games as well."

In Mainichi Issyo's case, videos are captured at 320x240, 30 frames per second and saved in an MPEG-4 file at 768kbps. Sound is recorded at 64kbps in AAC format. The maximum clip length is ten minutes.

Upon selecting to finish their recording sessions, players are given the choice of either saving their clips to the hard disk or uploading them to YouTube. Choose the latter option, and you're prompted for your YouTube user name and password. The game then uploads the clip on the spot, showing a progress bar while you wait for the upload to complete.

Now this could be very handy.

Then there was news that PixelJunk Eden would also have this feature:

PixelJunk Eden Will Support YouTube Uploading
By Jem Alexander Published on Jun 4th 2008 1:00PM by
Japanese site Watch Impress has a new batch of screenshots showing more of the gorgeous art style of upcoming PSN game PixelJunk Eden. Not only that, but they include a few exciting tid bits of info regarding the game. Specifically, they mention that the soundtrack consists of almost 100 minutes of specially recorded music by Kyoto-based artist Baiyon.

The game will also include 3-player co-op play (no online, presumbly) as well as trophies and remote play support. Perhaps most intriguing, however, is the mention of screen recording and YouTube uploading compatibility. This was recently added to the PS3 SDK but we didn't expect to see it integrated into new games so quickly. PixelJunk Eden comes out sometime this Summer and you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be grabbing it day one. Will you?

Pics Via forum

Now we have confirmation that the PS3 version of Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. has this feature as well:

PS3 Video Upload
Posted on Mar 3, 2009 by HAWX Team

Today we are showcasing a special feature of the PS3 version of Hawx: Youtube video upload! Hawx supports this special Playstation 3 feature that allows you to upload your recorded game videos directly to your Youtube account from the game. Let's discover how it works in this video!

As the game releases soon we have a little challenge for our future PS3 players: we didn't manage to create a proper video displaying the last move in our Extreme Maneuver series: the rolling scissors. So if you manage to record a cool video where you perform this maneuver, send it to us on YouTube and we'll post it here for everyone to enjoy!

I have not found a definitive list of all the games that have or are planned to include this feature, so with everyone's help maybe we can make one here.

Here are the games that currently have this feature:
  1. Mainichi Issyo
  2. PixelJunk Eden
  3. PAIN
  4. Noby Noby Boy
  5. H.A.W.X.
If you know of or read about a game that does, please share that info with us.

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This is really cool. I know this would help tremendously with Rock Band, where song charts are uploaded to YouTube so users can better gauge their interest in buying a certain DLC.
Yep, Pain and Noby Noby Boy.

Pain's also includes a video editor.

My Pain video sample I made to test it out back at Christmas.
I have yet to try uploading with PAiN. Great game - I havn't played for ages though.

I wonder if GT5p or even GT5 could have this feature? It'd be great to build a DVD collection of tests and trials of tuned cars, and even arcade mode races.
I just wish when replay's are saved in GT5p they were saved as an MPEG-4 onto the harddisk...
Thanks for the info everyone, I have updated the first post with a list of games that have it so far. 👍
You have a question mark next to PixelJunk Eden. I can confirm it is there, I just haven't used it.

Now, what they really need is a patch for EyeCreate.