PS3 GT5 Theme Competition

What theme was your favorite?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Southeast MI
I messed up the other thread with a poll so here is the new one!

Nuschel01's Cats at Kyoto

Download here

SZRT Ice's Sub Zero Racing Team

Poll will open FEBRUARY 1. Will close on the 8th.

The idea here is to create a PS3 theme based on GT5. You will use photos taken from GT5 for wallpapers, and you can do GT related XMB icons (like for the Game or Settings columns), and even add sounds.

Software and instruction can be found below to create themes.
Also, a bit easier:
Just find the Theme Creator Software. Thanks to Nuschel01 for that information.

-Editing is allowed
-Photos must be from GT5
-Theme must have a name, preferrably something that fits with the theme itself
-Must be original (no downloading from other sites)

To upload them for judging, add them to a website that allows file sharing or create a free website that allows the uploading of files. (I believe some free site makers like offer this, but I am not exactly sure). Then post a link to the download here. When I get submissions, I will add a poll.

To download themes to a computer:

And from the PS3:

Any questions on any of this, feel free to PM me or post here.

There is no prize for winning and is strictly for fun.

The deadline for this competition in February 1, 2012.

Also, please suggest things for the competition. I want it to be very user friendly and entertaining for everyone. There will hopefully be more rounds. THIS IS THE FIRST. So please, spread the word and help make this a great competition.
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A bit of a heads up; try bolding and centering the titles and such, makes stuff stick out more seem more tidy.
Was hoping to make this but I'm not going to complete in time.
A bit of a heads up; try bolding and centering the titles and such, makes stuff stick out more seem more tidy.

I can't on the application and that's all I have available today.
Congrats to Nuschel01, winning with 3 votes to SZRT Ice's 2. That was close. Both of you did a fantastic job!

I'm not really sure whether to stop this or continue. There was no attention paid to it. What do you think?
It needs more hype, and some refinement.

Can't believe I lost, I somehow get the feeling people didn't see all 16 of my backgrounds in the theme. More so, it's an HD theme.
It needs more hype, and some refinement.

Can't believe I lost, I somehow get the feeling people didn't see all 16 of my backgrounds in the theme. More so, it's an HD theme.

I tried to look at them all by reloading the theme but I only saw about 10. I think I voted for the cats but it came down to personal choice as they were both high quality.
It needs more hype, and some refinement.

Can't believe I lost, I somehow get the feeling people didn't see all 16 of my backgrounds in the theme. More so, it's an HD theme.

Well I've tried to hype it but it hasn't worked. And what needs to be refined? The OP says that this is new and I know that it nerds improvement so suggest away.
Well I've tried to hype it but it hasn't worked. And what needs to be refined? The OP says that this is new and I know that it nerds improvement so suggest away.

Probably the fact that nothing is bolded, or centered. It just makes it more confusing with out it, especially the broken quote tag.
Probably the fact that nothing is bolded, or centered. It just makes it more confusing with out it, especially the broken quote tag.

Well like a said before it's not possible on the app and that's the easiest access for me.

Also what do you mean broken quote tag?
Just put center tags.
[ CENTER ] Like this without the spaces [ /CENTER]
Here are some simple ones (I'll put what the tag is then an example below) Remember to format like this [TAG] [/TAG] Anyways, here they are:
COLOR="red" (only use COLOR in the closing tag)
IMG (for inserting a picture from a link)

SIZE="5" (only use SIZE in closing tag)
There are many more that I don't know. Two tips:
-You can use more than one on the same text
-A good way to learn them are to press quote on a message and it shows everything in plain text.

P.S. Sorry about the double post, my psp (I know, it's outdated) only lets you type so much at once.