PS3 optical quit working after GT5 24 hour endurance race (dead ps3)

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United States
This is a fairly new PS3 that really doesnt get that much use. A couple days ago I decided to run my B-spec racer in the 24 hours of Lemans. He was successful and won 1st place. Nice! Now the bad news. I went to watch a blu ray movie last night and the optical output for the surround sound would not work. I tried everything.

The good news is that I am running HDMI and I have a brand new HDTV with the optical output. So I was able to just hook the optical cord to the back of the tv for the surround sound.

I ended up unplugging the PS3 power cord, waited about a minute, plugged it back in and it worked!!! I think the PS3 must have some sort of optical shut down if the PS3 is on too long. 👍

I will close the thread since the issue has been resolved.

EDIT: 2/23/12
I decided to re-open this thread since the PS3 is having new issues with games freezing, disk read errors, and not playing blu ray movies.

EDIT: 2/27/12
The PS3 is dead so we got a new one.
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Yup the optical output on the PS3 is completely fried. Very strange indeed.

Luckily I have the HDMI for the PS3 and I am able to run the optical out of this brand new HDTV into my surround sound reciever. My 360 does not have optical so I bought another optical cable last night so that my 360 will also run through the surround sound at the same time. Luckily my reciever has 2 optical inputs. Otherwise I would be screwed. One strange thing is that one of the optical inputs sounds better than the other. But thats probably because the other one has never been used and I havent set it up yet.

So now the TV, Movies, PS3, and 360 all run through at the same time. All I need to do is switch between the different settings on the reciever. And on top of that if heather wants her 360 in suround sound she can just pull the optical cord out of my 360 and put it into hers. We used to have to run her 360 through her pc to get the audio. But now the surround sound actually works pefectly for ALL the systems in our house especially thanks to this new HDTV.
You PS3 overheated which could of literally fried circuit boards etc It would have been blowing hot air around inside your PS3 for hours. Make sure your PS3 is not in an enclosed area, free of dust & you could try a cooling stand. Simply a PS3 stand with a fan the plugs in via 1 of the USB ports, I have a vertical 1 & it works s treat.

Try my thread Here! for more help.
Thanks for the reply.

The ps3 is right out in the open not near anything and doesnt have any dust (or very very minimal dust.

Whatever is fried is fried at this point and must be because of a defective PS3. I guess when I do the next 24 hour endurance race, I will place a fan on the PS3 to keep it cool. I thought that if the PS3 overheated it would shut off??? Mine never shut off. No flashing lights or anything. Everything else works fine, just the optical out quit working. Which as I explained above, was an easy fix with the new TV I have and the HDMI cord.
You might find that the optical out from your TV will only pass stereo to the receiver rather than the full digital 5.1 from the PS3's HDMI. DRM in the HDMI can limit extending the multi-channel beyond the device using HDMI. In other words, no daisy-chaining the digital audio to non-HDMI devices.

That was happening to me when I first got my TV. I fed cable and PS3 to HDMI inputs of the TV, and I know that the cable audio was stereo only by the time the TV sent it out over optical to the receiver, but I don't recall what the PS3 did.

That doesn't mean the TV was only capable of stereo, it means that the 5.1 from HDMI inputs was not allowed to extend past the TV through its non-HDMI outputs.

My solution was to go ahead and upgrade my receiver to one that did HDMI switching, so everything feeds the receiver now, and the TV is just a monitor using the receiver's HDMI out.
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You might find that the optical out from your TV will only pass stereo to the receiver rather than the full digital 5.1 from the PS3's HDMI. DRM in the HDMI can limit extending the multi-channel beyond the device using HDMI. In other words, no daisy-chaining the digital audio to non-HDMI devices.

That was happening to me when I first got my TV. I fed cable and PS3 to HDMI inputs of the TV, and I know that the cable audio was stereo only by the time the TV sent it out over optical to the receiver, but I don't recall what the PS3 did.

That doesn't mean the TV was only capable of stereo, it means that the 5.1 from HDMI inputs was not allowed to extend past the TV through it's non-HDMI outputs.

My solution was to go ahead and upgrade my receiver to one that did HDMI switching, so everything feeds the receiver now, and the TV is just a monitor using the receiver's HDMI out.

This is case with my tv.
The optical out will only send 5.1 if it is from a tv broadcast, that is if it's actually broadcast in 5.1. Some of our "hd" broadcasts only send the same channel over the L&R channels so it's not even stereo :rolleyes:.

Camero I assume your receiver doesn't have hdmi in and out and that's the reason you are using the optical from the tv?
I was in the same boat as wfooshee as in that my receiver didn't have hdmi connections and hence I upgraded my receiver as he did.

Cheers Shaun.
Ahhh crap I think you are right. I noticed last night the surround sound didnt sound as good. Thought maybe I was just hearing things (or actually not hearing things). Ok now this is just frustrating. Well before I get frustrated I could check my new tv and see if there are audio settings to make the OPTICAL out sound better. Maybe it defaults to something else. I havent touched the audio on the tv at all. Never needed to.

No I dont think my receiver has any HDMI ports. But even if it did how would the HDMI works as a video if it was in my receiver? I am trying to figure out how I would get the video imput to my tv if the HDMI was in my receiver?

Also one last question. Why does one optical imput from my receiver sound better than the other? Maybe because I have played with the settings on one but not the other??
There's no adjustment in the TV for it. It's a digital rights management issue in the HDMI standard. The content can travel wherever, as long as it remains HDMI, but it cannot be "translated" (for lack of a better word) to another medium. If you tuned a 5.1 channel with the TV's built-in tuner, the optical would sound just fine, carrying all 5 (plus 1) channels. It's not allowed to carry multiple channels from an HDMI input, though.

As for why one receiver input sounds different than another, most receivers will save tone controls or EQ adjustments by source, so different sources (inputs) can easily have different settings.
No I dont think my receiver has any HDMI ports. But even if it did how would the HDMI works as a video if it was in my receiver? I am trying to figure out how I would get the video imput to my tv if the HDMI was in my receiver?

You'll need two HDMI leads, one from the PS3 (or anything else you choose) which will connect to the input side of the receiver.
The other will go from the output HDMI on the receiver to the tv.

Cheers Shaun.
I had no idea the new receivers had HDMI in AND out. That makes a lot more sense. Might have to consider getting a new receiver in the new future too because I want my true surround sound back. :lol:
I decided to do a google search to see if others had the same issue. The suggested advice was to turn off the PS3 by turning off the switch in the back. Well mine is slim so it only has the button up front. I ended up unplugging the PS3 power cord, waited about a minute, plugged it back in and it worked!!! I think the PS3 must have some sort of optical shut down if the PS3 is on too long. So everything is good again. 👍

If you are running the sound from HDMI through your TV to a receiver, it can be that the sound is downsampled to 2ch and the back upsampled by the receiver.
I had the same problem with my TV when I used the ARC (audio return channel) which is basically the same function.
To enjoy the best picture and sound over HDMI, you should use a proper receiver for the audio, that forwards 1080i picture to the TV.
That's what I did, and it's a day/night difference ;)

Sry, didn't see your last reply ^^
But good to hear everything is fine now.
Hey, welcome to the party!

(Were the lights still on, or something??) :sly:
EDIT: 2/23/12 I decided to re-open this thread since the PS3 is having more issues.

Well it looks like the optical shutting off was only the beginning of the issues. Now we are getting a lot of disc read errors while playing games. And some Blu Ray movies dont play without skipping. But those blu ray movies work fine in my neighbors blu ray player. So I am thinking its the end of this PS3. :indiff: :ouch:
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Could also just need a cleaning. Get one of those cleaning discs, the one with the little brush on the surface, and follow the directions.
Yup I am going to try that tonight. Hopefully it works. I am also going to try to check for a corrupt file that was suggested in the other thread. It said something the other day about "recovering might take 2 hours". Wasnt sure why that happened but it was after the ps3 froze. I had to unplug it because it would not turn off.
We tried a cleaning disk and it got rid of the disk read errors but now it keeps freezing. So I ended up just buying another PS3 last night with the 2 year warranty. Transfered some data from the old one over to the new one so Heather could play. Seems to work fine with GT5. I was playing on the 360 and I was running my B spec racer the entire night on the old PS3 while she was on the new PS3. It was actually kinda nice having 2 ps3s but I will be getting rid of this one before it completly dies. No sense in having 2 ps3s especially since this one will probably die at any time.

This PS3 came with a 3D Harry Potter movie. We dont know anything about the Harry Potter movies but hey a free 3d movie is a free 3d movie. Now I just need to buy some 3d glasses. Also should probably watch some of the other HP movies so we will be able to understand this one. lol
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Sound like your blu-ray laser / drive is dying if your confident id take it apart and thoroughly dust it it would probably help alot that and or go ahead and replace the the bluray google it ebay it yoll find a good one there fairly cheap to buy 60-120 id guess .
I decided to just purchase a new PS3. The great news is that Gamestop gave us $115.00 for our defective PS3. :)

Since the PS3 ended up dying, I will close the thread.
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