PS3 won't accept most games anymore

  • Thread starter analog
The Netherlands
Hi there, as the title says I'm currently having an unfortunate issue whereby my PS3 strangely enough only accepts my GT5 disk and none of my other games.
I only became aware of it yesterday and don't know if it's a fairly recent thing although last week at least I could still play them.
The blue light still comes on when I insert other disks but the game-icon doesn't show on the PS screen.
I suspected it could be a Blu Ray lens/laser issue and searched for it on the internet and on this forum (my apologies if this is the wrong place to ask) and decided to call the Sony helpdesk today who weren't exactly very helpful apart from giving a few random suggestions that the laser could be worn or that I could try reformatting my PS3.

It's a 40gig 'fatty' without guarantee anymore, and since I don't really posses much if any technical knowledge or skill, I was wondering if anyone has an idea if it could just be a filthy lens, a worn/broken one or some software issue perhaps and if it's something that might be easily repairable and what I'm looking for regarding costs.
The strange thing is that GT5 works fine, but maybe that's also temporary and it won't show up too soon.
I'm aware that these things can't be analyzed from a distance but maybe someone else had the same issue and knows a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Try a lens cleaner disc. You can probably find lenses on eBay or Carigslist. If you don't feel comfortable fixing it yourself, google a local repair shop. Or the easiest solution, buy a new ps3 if it falls in your budget.
Is there a specific lens cleaner disc for the PS3 or are they all basically the same?
I'm guessing a Blu Ray disc cleaner.
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I had a problem similar to this and this solution worked for me:

1. Turn off Playstation®3.
2. Hold the power button down; the system will turn on and turn off once again.
3. Once the System has been shutdown, re-press you finger until you hear 2 consecutive beeps
4. When you hear the 2 beeps take finger off power button.
5. You will be prompted to plug in your controller via USB and then hit the PS button
6. The Recovery menu will pop up.

The current Recovery Menu supports:
• Restart System: Restarts the PLAYSTATION®3 System.
• Restore Default Settings: Reset all system settings back to default.
• Restore File System: Checks for corrupt/missing system files.
• Rebuild Database: Rebuilds the OS for the PLAYSTATION®3.
• Restore PS3 System: Fresh restore; Deletes everything and starts from Scratch.
• System Update: Update the PLAYSTATION®3 System

Try restoring the file system first, if that doesn't work try rebuilding the database. If you rebuild the database you will lose all your messages and playlists. If none of this works you may have to try the other people's suggestions.
Thanks for all the tips and suggestions guys, I decided to try a Blu Ray lens cleaner disc first (ordered one by Philips for roughly 12 Euros) and immediately afterwards (took only seconds to clean it) the whole issue was fixed and it reads my other games again.
I'm a happy bunny right now.