PS4 and PS5 trophies are not sync'd???

  • Thread starter SPL170db
United States
Hello all.

I pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition that has the PS5 physical disk with the digital copy for PS4. I have my PS5 and PS4 in different houses. So I've been playing GT7 on the PS5 when I'm at one home and then play it on PS4 in the other. The game progression seems to sync up between the two however trophies do not. When I'm on the PS5, only the trophies I won on that console show up as completed and vice versa on the PS4. Some trophies are easy enough to do twice, but some like completing the S-license I think you can only do once if I'm not mistaken.

Is this expected behavior or is it a bug? The game progress data sync's between the two of them through PS+ auto-uploads, but the trophies don't?
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I'm in the exact same situation.
Bought the special edition and played on ps4 for a few weeks and finally got a ps5 and started playing there..

Trophies did not sync up.. they appear to be 2 different games in the trophy list.

I have platinum trophies for GT6 and GT Sport and my goal was the same for GT7. But now it will be an issue .. 😞
I have a PS5 and PS4. For me the trophy's popped up after playing a little bit on PS4. I didn't check if it where all the trophy's.