[PS4] ANZ Race Nights - Gulf 1000 - 23/07/15PS4 

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand
Myself and a couple of friends who aren't on this forum hold race nights starting around 20:00 NZT every Thursday. I thought I'd make a thread here so we could fill out the numbers because. A closed lobby of 6 people isn't incredibly fun, but neither is making said lobby public to people who play Project CARS as a demolition derby.

We're all pretty casual and there's a massive skill gap so racing isn't hugely serious. We usually alternative between GT3 racing and Gulf 1000 each week but we throw in some other classes once in a while.

Feel free to add (myself) with a note saying "GTP pCARS" or something similar and I'll send an invite. 👍
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Myself and a couple of friends who aren't on this forum hold race nights starting around 20:00 NZT every Thursday. I thought I'd make a thread here so we could fill out the numbers because. A closed lobby of 6 people isn't incredibly fun, but neither is making said lobby public to people who play Project CARS as a demolition derby.

We're all pretty casual and there's a massive skill gap so racing isn't hugely serious. We usually alternative between GT3 racing and Gulf 1000 each week but we throw in some other classes once in a while.

Feel free to add Lazer0pz (myself) with a note saying "GTP pCARS" or something similar and I'll send an invite. 👍
Hi mate I am on project cars haven't been online racing yet my psn on ps4 is vicrs1 but I'm in two racing clean only so send me a request and I will try to join you thanks
Aussie and Kiwi players, we're currently racing tonight. Free free to add me with a message if you want to join. Currently driving the Formula Gulf 1000s.
Hi, just wanted to know if this is alive. I am new to the game and I would like to play with people who are close to my timezone to improve
Thanks for the great races guys. I will definitely be joining you guys each week. Its great to find a bunch of similar skill level to provide a nice challenge.