PS4 Blinking and BeepingPS4 

  • Thread starter GTvsForza


United States
The Gem State
I bought my PS4 used when GT Sport was released. It had no issues until today.

It started with not connecting to the PSN, even though my internet is completely fine. I then played a bit of PC3 and went to turn off the console. However, it took longer than usual to power down and it beeped 3 times before actually shutting down.

I looked up what it could be and some people say it could be a problem with PSN or dust in the fans. I gave it a good spray with air but still nothing, so I want to assume the problem is the former.

Just want confirmation from you guys if this really is the issue.
3 beeps is nothing to be concerned over and if you have cleaned the fan and given it some air cleaning it should be back to normal service now.

It's just alerting you that something is amiss with the basic state of the console (usually no disc in drive or some error catching up with the system software), if it's back to normal now it should carry on as normal.
I used to leave my GT Sport disc in it even though I don't play it most of the time. That might have been the culprit.