PS4 Controller Mapping question

United States
Because I have a physical disability I am unable to use a wheel and peddles, but I love racing games. So I am forced to use game controllers. I like to make the game as realistic as possible. In Forza 4 I had the left shoulder button mapped as a clutch and the right thumbstict was a sequencel shifter.. What I hope to do for Project Cars is to map the controller so that the left trigger is the clutch, the right trigger is the throttle, and the right thumbstick can be both break and shifter. So my question is can the controller be custom mapped?
PS4 custom button mapping is another feature to come in the next update 2.50 as well. So if PCars didn't do this in game, the PS4 would do it for you instead.

This. An amazing update that is a long time coming for consoles. After seeing the Special Effect charity streams recently that raised money so they could help more disabled gamers, its great to see that Sony are doing their bit to enable them as well. A very long time coming, but hopefully other people follow suit.