PS4 VR Cinema Mode solution

To provide a quick VR solution for the PS4 PSVR, this works like a cardboard VR mode.

Can SMS collaborate with PSVR to have an update for cinema mode to have a larger screen, one that has a fov that curves the screen to 120 - 180 degrees?

Then you can play with the VR headset in this cinema mode with this curved with the larger fov screen.
Then match the fov camera options to get a better cardboard VR mode.

One benefit of this is it would be delivered much easier on the PS4, no need to have the system deal with depth control and possibly losing game modes for a limited PSVR mode like GTS does because of the extra processing needed to handle the depth in VR. Realistically once you are racing you would just use the head tracking like features this offers, and would not have time to explore the depths of VR during a race.
