PSA: All existing PP tunes for a certain PP Limit have changed values

  • Thread starter Gazoline19
United States
United States
I had many cars all tuned for the 600 PP limit for the Tokyo Expressway event.
After the update, I'm seeing that my garage shows my car at the old 599.XX PP value, but when I switch to that car, the PP value changes, always to a higher value, such as 608 PP.
All tunes now need to be readjusted to the new PP scale and generally downgraded.

The issue with this is that for a car, such as my NSX Type R, i don't want to compromise the settings for the balance of the car such as the suspension or aero. I likely need to adjust the power. I don't want to detune the intake/exhaust system and set it to all stock to get below the 600 PP limit because that's lame, and I like how it sounds. I need to touch the engine mods, which perhaps means buying a new engine, or if a whole new car it means starting over with all new parts. It's an expensive proposition.

I'm also seeing even weirder PP calculations than before, such as changing one minor value will swing the PP more than 5 or 10 points in value.

[edit: typo and additions]
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On the release notes PD informed the PP calculation system changes would lead to recalculation of all values.
As far of weird value oscillations, remember, just a touch on a single value of a gear on Tomahawk would change the PP in excess of 600 points.
Apart from that, before the update yesterday, I was setting a Supra GT500 for Le Mans 700pp half hour race and setting the gearbox to 310 kmh was about 8 points less than setting either for 300 or 320 kmh, so nothing new here.
Ok... I can see they didn't fix the PP calculation system. It's changed... but not fixed, exploits and huge bugs persist. It's sad really...
Hopefully 1.13 is just the start of a Performance Points overhaul. If they made it even worse, I'm going to dread this update...
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No it doesn't, my bad.
If you don't have high grip tires nor power restrictor on a car, it shouldn't be any changes
All my 600PP cars changed for Tokyo, and increased above 600, closer to 610 PP. They all have Sport Hard or Sport Medium tires, very few have power restrictors. Are these Sport tires high grip? I'm adjusting the settings for the cars and they all remain at these elevated PP levels. Which means I need to buy new engines or new cars and re-tune them all.
I'm adjusting the settings for the cars and they all remain at these elevated PP levels.
This is frustrating for me too. I'm begging Kaz and his team to focus like a really focused laser on their physics build, and polish it to something that's even closer to real life behavior. And in tandem, the Performance Points persons tweaking that beastie till it behaves as it should. Take into account everything from downforce to transmission and tire compounds, but for pity's sake have it make sense. What we got in this update is really discouraging. Most of us have to retune our cars, not just the exploiters.

I want to race in Tokyo wet with other cars than the Tomahawk, but this change just makes me nerf my cars even more, so there is no sense in even trying anything else. I haven't tried Easy mode, but I'm afraid there's no real difference.
One "feature" I've noticed is that having Anti-Lag On set to Strong, drops the car's PP to a value slightly lower than not having Anti-Lag equipped at all.
On all cars and tuning levels? Because I've seen that happen before on some cars or some tuning specs...
I've only checked a few of my cars, like RX7, Skylines, Evos, STIs etc, so it's not comprehensive. I didn't notice this before, if that was there before, my bad.