PSC webpage reDesign.

  • Thread starter suzq044
clean cut being more commonly used, well i like it because is "clean", crisp and strong edges..

But i'm going to have to say i like the grunge more, because it looks less webpage "basic", and is more outstanding which probably catches the eye more easily.
I prefer the Grungy style more. I think Andy has summed it up for me.
I'm going to say Grungy, I'm all for clean looking stuff, but I think the area that virtual modifications is aimed at, is more "Grunge" than it is "Clean".
It's a difficult choice. I find the grunge style a bit too busy, but the Clean cut one isn't interesting enough in comparison. Very tricky. Gun to my head, it'd be the clean one though.

I have one minor suggestion for both of them: never use Impact as a font. I personally think it looks far too much like Word Art. And maybe lower the font size on the "about" bit - too much text in that size makes the other headings stand out less.
It was a 20 minute job - i didn't feel like downloading any 'cool' fonts (as all mine are on my busted-PC).. lol
I came up with another idea - if you're interested? This would be like iGoogle & you can move stuff around on the screen, except for the logo, menu & user info/login part. This would only be the design for the home-page, not the forums; not until i figure out how. lol

Also - the 3 polaroids @ the top are roll-over & clickable. Roll over changes the order [meaning, the one you roll over goes to the front], and clicking it will show the higher-res version.
Make it iGoogle-like would be fantastic! Full customization for members
However the coding must be really nasty to work on
btw I like the grudge version of previous design
The paper going over the blue navigation bar is a bit distracting, but I love the rest Suzq!
Clean cut is much better IMHO. It's more easy on the eyes, and the whole grungle look doesn't effect the ability of reading the text. Since everyone's eye strength is different, it might be harder to focus in on the text for older people. :)

Edit: Are you the actual owner of PSC?
..SwitchFX as previously stated, no - it has recently changed ownership though; I am, however, a Mod there.
Suzy, the new design looks quite cool and unique. How does this concept work? and what is iGoogle? :confused:
Im not sure whether this is iGoogle but when you register to Google, you can have a little homepage where you can ad stuff, like news, weather etc. You can change everything, i mean everything.
Heres mine :D
^ you can change locations of the stuff on the page; add & delete pages as well. It's customizable to the users need. And yes, Turbo that's iGoogle (its at the top of the page ;))
Oh i see, well tha must be certainly cool!!!! :drool: But too bad i don't have a google account (nor do i need one) :indiff:
here's another one, click for higher-res:

Center section is a "highlights" gallery - Contest Winners, PasMag selections & Featured Chops; only upon roll-over would any given image change to its modified form. Otherwise, it would stay as the original image.

Otherwise, only "news" and "top posters" scroll; everything else is pretty self explanitory.
That's my favourite so far, but it could use a little work. The white edging around those boxes is a little to perpendicular and vibrant for my liking. If you made them dark grey and rounded the edges it'd be much better. Perhaps if you did a dark gradient within them it'd look a bit better too.

Also, I like the concept of the scrolling "featured mods", but quite how such a feature would be kept updated I don't really know. Everything else seems relatively simple, though :)

Overall it's the best.
not difficult - in flash you can use css. Meaning, you can keep a text document updated & it will add the images to the list.
Oh that's fine then :). As long as there's someone who can keep it updated (although on a photoshop forum that shouldn't be an issue :P).
nope - but i'm not a coder - these are just quick design ideas i'm submitting, nothing actually guaranteed to make it.