PSC Weekly 129

  • Thread starter Slicks


The Car: Datsun 510. I love these cars, and this is a decent photo of a somewhat-stock one, the best overall I could find.

Deadline... What Deadline? Whenever 2 things are done, I will post the next week/Poll: 1. All entries are complete and entered, and 2. When I get the time to do it.


Also, TVRKing, if you can find a picture of a stock Escort like the one you requested, then I will use it.
If there are any other requests, feel free to ask.
Minilites can be found all over the place.... has alot of pictures in the photo gallery, and many of the cars featured have Minilites. Coincidentally, they are my wheel of choice as well for this chop.
Minilites can be found all over the place.... has alot of pictures in the photo gallery, and many of the cars featured have Minilites. Coincidentally, they are my wheel of choice as well for this chop.
Thanks--a lot of nice inspiration on that site!
Erm... seems this has died.
I haven't had the time or want to finish my entry so far. The fact that I'm already on computers and photoshop at school for a couple hours a day doesn't help my motivation.
Anyway, I'm on spring break now for a week, so I might get it done. I need to jumpstart this comp with a really good base and some participation.
I work tomorrow and will likely not even have time to log on on Wednesday, but mabye Thursday or Friday (Wow, it's hard trying to type with my left index finger and thumb not touching the keyboard... Cheese crap from chips...).
been a damn while, mwehehe
I may enter if I have some time off... some hours of work could turn this thing into a bad ass car.
It's Cano!!
Jeez, man. It's been awhile. Nice to see you again. (I've been giving a PSC Weekly revival a little thought lately... I'm open to car suggestions).
hello (: yeah, its indeed been a really freaking while. But I just got some time on my hands, rarely, I've got no work to do, and it's been also a while that I didnt do one of these just for fun instead of for one of the magazines, so here it goes, my SCCA owtlaw version of a 510:

there. two hours give or take of work, all of the stuff brushed.

if I have time, I'll wander around here more, and if the car is cool, I may give it a try (:
Looks nice, Cano.
I'm going to take a look for a set of boxed BRE-style fender flares to see if I can get a set to match up to the pic... Then I'm in business.
Whoa! It's Cano! You still exist! Sweet 510, dude. How's the Canomobile coming along?

I might give this a whirl when I get back to my mom's.
thanks both. I dont have a car yet -_- Im now looking for a 1970 dodge Coronet, I want a mexican model (318/auto all of them) so I can cut it up without any regrets, but incredibly, I've even found 69 chargers but no mexican 70 coronets. damn car.

I'lll find one ¬¬

It's a WIP for now, although I don't know how much more I am going to do. I had limited success in finding boxed flares for this particular angle, and I know I'm not good enough to airbrush them from scratch.

Well, I guess I might be. These aren't done, so keep that in mind. Just a rough outline.
darken the body all around, it doesnt look real at all, it looks too bright in the shadowy part of the car. I like the front valance. You could also try to swaon an entire wheel and tire combo from another car thst has minilites, becaude the front wheel looks... curious, mwehehe
Yeah, I know the front wheel looks like hell. I always have one hell of a time finding wheels that look right.


Minor changes, but I think that's about all I'm going to do.
Nice lookin, Susq. I never woulda thought to do that.

I'm outta time for tonight... I'll post the poll tomorrow.