Qirocity & GT5?

Parnelli Bone

United States
Columbia, MD.
I can't get a clear answer on this by searching the 'net, so here I am. :indiff:

Is it possible to listen to music obtained from Qirocity on my PS3 while racing in GT5? I went and signed up for Qirocity, gave my credit card info and everything. Start picking some songs, but apparently there's no way to save these songs to the music area of the XMB. :mad: This means there's no way to listen to this music while I'm racing. :banghead: Or is there something I'm missing?
No, that's too much work. I'm not moving my ENTIRE PC downstairs to the rec room just to listen to songs which are uploaded on the PS3. That just sounds like a nightmare and doesn't make any sense.

I should also note that I wear headphones while racing, I find it more immersive, and the entire house doesn't have to hear all this noise as I'm gaming. I can listen to music from the XMB section fine as I race, so...

Yes or no? Is it possible to just listen to the songs ON the PS3 from Qirocity while racing in GT5? Because if the answer is yes, how does this happen? And if it's no, then what's the purpose of Qirocity? Everything's right there on the PS3! it makes no sense that I can only listen to music I'm paying for only when Qirocity is running.
Wow, that's really dumb, I wonder why not?

Thanks anyway, Slashfan.

No problem. It's probably because of licensing issues and the like and the fact that Qriocity and Sony wouldn't have PD implement some feature as it would hardly get used by anyone. PD likely wouldn't comply anyway.
Yes it is frustrating.

You can always put the music on your PS3 and do it that way OR use a PS3 media server to connect to your computer and then try that. If you do try that (not sure if you can do it with a game on) you need to ensure that the music is not buried in a long file path on the PC or "blackie" won't be able to detect it. A good example of how it should look is C:\Music\PS3tunes

Could try that :)