Queen Elizabeth II - 80 years old today...is the monarchy still relevant 21st Century

80 years old...not a bad age.

Her close aides say she will never hand over the reigns (exuse the pun) to Charlie while she is alive.

I was up at Balmoral, Royal Deeside, last week, took a tour of Balmoral Castle. Magnificent. Charles and Camilla was there but we didnt see them.

How do you view the British Monarchy and are they still relevant in the 21st century?

And more importantly, are corgiis still relevant?
Well, living where i do, the monarchy is practically thrust down my throat everytime i go anywhere near the town centre. Personally i'm not a fan of the monarchy. We've got a perfectly good PM (snort) to run the country, we don't need these klingons.
The only thing i appreciate is the heritage. The Windsors are an uptight and posh family, living by a code of "social perfection". I like that they're like that though, shows heritage.
We've got a perfectly good PM (snort) .

thats debatable...

the monarchy provides a lot of money for this country (london mostly) .the new Chinese economic confidence means we could be seeing a lot more chinese visitors to these shores....we should keep the queen she may be our secret weapon to survive this financial hollocaust that is about to beset the western world.
Very debatalbe about Mr Blair, I agree that the Monarchy is good for heritatage though, they're also a good tourist attraction.
Well, living where i do, the monarchy is practically thrust down my throat everytime i go anywhere near the town centre. Personally i'm not a fan of the monarchy. We've got a perfectly good PM (snort) to run the country, we don't need these klingons.
The only thing i appreciate is the heritage. The Windsors are an uptight and posh family, living by a code of "social perfection". I like that they're like that though, shows heritage.

I agree -- I like it too.