Question about Aids

If i use these aids, along with automatic transmission (cause i like to focus on the drive), does that essentially mean I suck at Gran Turismo?
If i use these aids, along with automatic transmission (cause i like to focus on the drive), does that essentially mean I suck at Gran Turismo?

What you do is, Once you get better at driving low the Aids. Then you can get to business. It takes time. I hope this helps alittle bit.
you can use whatever settings you like, not like people on the internet would care.
K, well. The problem with using driving aids is that when you use them they slow you down far too much and they tend to make the car you're driving do strange things.

And the automatic transmission. If you can figure it out and get comfortable with it. It'll become second nature to you when you drive any car. Auto transmission is fine for a while when you first start out but later on you should think about not using it.

I wouldn't say you suck at GT4 for using them. That just mean.
There's nothing to be ashamed of using drivind aids and automatic transmission.

My personal case:
GT1 , GT2 and GT3 fully thru automatic transmission.
I tuned cars only when used them for max speed test
and used manual transmission for some licence tests.

At GT3 licence tests I allways turned driving aids off.

Finally at GT4 I started to realise the differences between AT and MT
mostly thru the use of powerband.

Nowdays I'm fully trained MT , non driving aids user.
Also getting used to tune cars to my personal likeness.
I wouldn't fuss over it dude, depending on your driving style you might prefer having driver aids on. I know I do sometimes when the need arises for a quicker lap with it (Beetle Cup for example!!), there's no shame in it.

When I tune cars for tuning competitions or for garages however, I'll take them off. I still love the fact that I plant a car in Costa Di Amalfi uphill and it accelerates hard constantly struggling to keep 100% traction and not overpower the tyres!! :D
I use no Aids and Manual transmission and I still suck at GT4.

IMHO driving in MT is vital not just for good lap times, but to appreciate the game. You'll start to see the track differently: instead of thinking "OMFG hairpin" you'll think "brake, downshift->4, brake, shift->3, brake, shift->2, turn, accelerate out". It gives you a huge amount of control over the car, and you'll approach the course in a far more active - as opposed to reactive - way.

I reckon the best way to learn MT is to go back and redo the first license test for silvers in manual. It'll teach you not just how to do it, but the importance and significance of driving in MT.

As for Aids, just turn the bloody things off and don't look back. You may face a slightly steeper learning curve in the early learning stages of GT4, but I doubt it.
I use automatic, DS2 controller and occasionally driving aids (especially high powered cars). As you can see from my sig, I only have the Roadster 4hr for max points. once I have completed this feat I may re-start the game using Manual, However I may not.

Just because you need these things does not me you suck at GT4, it means you are still learning and have not got the experience of other players.
Do what works for you!
I use both,using the DS2, it all depends on the car and the track.
While participating in the WRS I have switch back and forth...and I've gotten good results.
Just enjoy!
I don't understand how it is hard to use manual in a game. I cant remember the last time i used an auto in a car game besides midnight club 3.
I don't understand how it is hard to use manual in a game. I cant remember the last time i used an auto in a car game besides midnight club 3.

It may not be, that it is hard to use a manual in a game. I and many other people prefer to drive auto because that is what we are used to.

When you can only play, (When the wife lets you :sly: or kids if you have them) sometimes - most times you may need the sound turned down, which means you cant hear the car revving. Therefore you have to watch the taco more than the road.

I myself just see it as something else that I have to do while playing, which I just want to drive.

Being also that my real car I drive is an Auto, It seams logical to drive the same. I also drive my real car the same as GT4 in that I treat it as a semi-auto. I will hold a gear here and there when needed.

The only thing that does bug me, is I haven't found a way to force GT4, with Auto's, to change down. Maybe I just missed something.

This is my opinion anyways, take it or leave it. Being that I paid the money for the game, I am going to enjoy it my way.
Whenever i play a game that uses Aids i use max aids and then ween myself off because everygame has different physics and you can't go strait from say GT4 to Forza and use the same driving style.
For me . . .
On cars that are typically 700+ in HP, I use driving aids.
On Cars that are under 700 hp I typically turn the aids off.
Since GT2 (I think) I have been using a Manual Transmission.

It all depends on how comfortable you are in driving.

To me the driving aids are like driving around with an anchor on the car.
Strangely with the driving aids off, cars to me feel more free and more perdictable.

To say that you suck because you use driving aids and an auto transmission is insane.
Aids on or aids off, auto or manual . . . If you are a bad driver, you are a bad driver.
Changing any of the above won't change that.

Just use what ever makes you feel comfortable. And if you feel you need a challange, switch to manual or turn off the driving aids.

Thats one of the fun things about the GT series. There are plenty of settings to change to make things more interesting.
i generally turn the aids off when ive driven the car for a bit and gotten used to it. some cars you can just turn them off straight away (especially cars with R4 tyres and under 400bhp)
If i use these aids, along with automatic transmission (cause i like to focus on the drive), does that essentially mean I suck at Gran Turismo?
Definitely not. But it effectively means that the cars suck as you've already found out after switching the aids off. Some cars are faster with them off, some are faster with them on, but the only way to find out how the car really handles is to turn them off. That's pretty much the only certain fact about them.