question about game percentage

United States
Denver, Colorado
the Question:
-is the game completion percentage gained constant for each race? if so, what is it? if not, how can I tell how much percentage I get from each race without racing in it?

the story:
My data became corrupt for GT4, and before that happened I signed up for the FGT Series. Now I am trying to get my FGT back so I can race in that series, but I'm trying to plan out what races I am going to do so that I'm not just jumping around from race to race and spending more money than I need to. But I need to know how many/what races I would have to do to get 25% game completion so that I can get to the Nurburgring 24 hour race (and my FGT). Please help!

thanks in advance
TBH, I'm not 100% on it, but I believe that all the races count the same. So a three lap race isn't going to get you anymore than a 10-15 lap race will. It wouldn't really be hard to test though, just record your percentage, then do a short lap race. Do the math to figure out how much that gave you. Then go do a long race, and do the math again to see how it comes out.
All races count the same. Something like 0.16% pr. race, the exact number of races is probably listed somewhere in the stickies.

Championships may also count, I'm not certain.
The percentage is approx 0.16?% per race and championship. There are (I think) 525 races, the 34 missions and quite a few championships that all count to the %
(the only thing that does not apply is the licences).

TBH, I'm not 100% on it, but I believe that all the races count the same. So a three lap race isn't going to get you anymore than a 10-15 lap race will. It wouldn't really be hard to test though, just record your percentage, then do a short lap race. Do the math to figure out how much that gave you. Then go do a long race, and do the math again to see how it comes out.

Doing it this way does not help that much as GT4 only gives you a % to one decimal, yet it is worked out by three decimals.
Also GT4 will always round down the %. That is why when you only have one race to go you will have 99.8%
I have found a 200 odd page book on GT4 which has all this information in it (It's a real helpful read). I will check tonight what the book says and let you know if my info here is false. (I am pretty sure that this info is correct)
Im just wondering if the licence coffebreaks gives 0,16? I`ve got three races left but 99.1% completed...

No. Nothing for Licences/Coffee Breaks.
Im just wondering if the licence coffebreaks gives 0,16? I`ve got three races left but 99.1% completed...

If you've only got three races left, you might have made a mistake checking races. Make sure that you have gold in all races, sometimes you can mistake them for bronze. And also complete all championships, if you did the races singularly, then you'll miss out on the 0.16% that you can gain from doing the whole championship.
