Question About the Drag/Mile DLC

I planned on buying this DLC (PSStore not up yet) because I heard that there are some new performance upgrades with this DLC. Can anyone explain them in detail?
I planned on buying this DLC (PSStore not up yet) because I heard that there are some new performance upgrades with this DLC. Can anyone explain them in detail?

I believe it is just drag tires and spoilers. I have a PS3 so I'm in the same boat as you.
You get a new section in the form of what's mostly engine upgrades.

However, these are standalone upgrades and can't be tacked on after a works conversion. If you try to do it before the conversion they'll be uninstalled. I'm about to play in a little bit, so I'll list what the upgrades are because I can't remember offhand.
Yes, the tiny section pops up. Clutch, engine, turbo, and fuel system are the only upgrades. There are no stages for each upgrade.

Unfortunately there are no other upgrades like spoilers, tires, etc.

FYI, the whole drag and standing mile DLC is not deep. I still like it though and yes it should have been free or cheaper.