Question regarding Coffee Breaks...

  • Thread starter Lain


United States
Pasadena, TX
In order to win the prizes for silvering/golding all the tests for a license, do you have to get a silver or gold on the Coffee Break? Or does it not count?

I'm really, really hoping it doesn't count... I just got silver on the IB Coffee Break, and guess what? The game froze before it could autosave.
The coffee breaks don't count, I usually skip them. But some can help you hone your driving skills, and some are just fun.
They don't count thank goodness. they're kinda fun if you don't take them seriously (I especially like the one in which you drive across Gymkana while trying to avoid a sea of cones), but in my opinion they have little to do with teaching us how to race & approach the game.
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I don't really like how the Coffee breaks have "1 way" to complete it with ease. I remember having a map of how to easily get the Gold in the last coffee break :lol: IMO, they should be random :dopey:
I don't really like how the Coffee breaks have "1 way" to complete it with ease. I remember having a map of how to easily get the Gold in the last coffee break :lol: IMO, they should be random :dopey:

Actually, since theres no time limit for Bronze, you could complete it any way you want. 💡

I remember just playing peekaboo with the Beat in the cone maze. :lol:
Oh, okay. Great to hear. I'd be so frustrated otherwise. I probably wouldn't play GT4 ever again, because by the time my anger at it would even begin to fade, GT5 would be out already. :P
I did the first couple coffee breaks on the first license test, and never even tried any of the others. Sitting staring at a field of cones, with the clock running, and wondering what the hell I was supposed to do, or where the hell I was supposed to go, just didn't seem all that entertaining to me.
it's fun at first, but it gets BOOOOOORRRIIIIIIIING as you do it over and over again..,