Nuschel01 Enjoy Car Life Premium 6,753 Fürstentum Lippe GTP_Nuschel Nov 5, 2019 #1 Hello, is there a way, to have the BB-code list not formattet like this: 1. A 2. B __C 3. D but like this: 1. A 2. B __C 4. D ? I've experimented a little with any codes I could find online, but none of them work here.
Hello, is there a way, to have the BB-code list not formattet like this: 1. A 2. B __C 3. D but like this: 1. A 2. B __C 4. D ? I've experimented a little with any codes I could find online, but none of them work here.
Jordan Site Founder Administrator 24,418 United States GTP_Jordan GTP_Jordan Nov 5, 2019 #2 It is possible in HTML, but it is not supported by our forum's BB code formatting system. The closest is sub-lists, which you can create by using the indent buttons in ordered list items, like this: A B A B C C D
It is possible in HTML, but it is not supported by our forum's BB code formatting system. The closest is sub-lists, which you can create by using the indent buttons in ordered list items, like this: A B A B C C D
Nuschel01 Enjoy Car Life Premium 6,753 Fürstentum Lippe GTP_Nuschel Nov 6, 2019 #3 Thanks for clearing that up Too bad it‘s not supported, but it is how it is