Questions about the new game

  • Thread starter _momo_
Hi all. Im new around here so im not sure if this in the correct section or not (please accept my apologies if its not).

I have a couple of questions: -

1) Will they bring back full-race conversions like there was in the original GT where you could convert e.g: a Mitsi 3000GT into the Puma race version?
(I know they got around it in GT4 with the add-on spoilers, but it never seemed realistic to me as you never saw side-skirts, front lip spoiler or front wings to aid d-force. Just feels like it let the game "sim" status down a little).

2) The aftermarket wheel feature - will you finally be able to change sizes of wheel/tyres? And will they finally make it so that when you do change these it also effects handling of the cars? E.g: Wider tyres = better grip, thinner = less grip. And larger diameter rims up front improve cornering due to lower tyre side-walls etc...

(TBH, the main thing about the wheels for me is that on some cars its not replacing the wheels as they're still too small and look rubbish).

Before you all start slating me for the negativity in my post - these are the only things that irritated me from GT4 on the PS2. Otherwise it is STILL the best driving game bar none IMO!! Im just hoping that this time GTHD/5 will take the "sim" status to a new level. 👍

Any responses greatly appreciated! :)
1-Don't know yet.

2-Don't know yet.

Sad but true, there's hardly any concrete info regarding GT5 at this point in time, we can hope that these things are included but it's far too early information wise to find fields of info on the game.
There IS wheel size change in GT4, not one that you can control but anyway. Try it out yourself: go get a Lancer Evo nomatterwhat RS, with the ridiculously small steel wheels. Then buy racing tyres for it. BOOM, you have a very sporty wheel size!

The same thing works on many cars, tested on at least Evos, Skylines, Volvo 240 (:P), Elises...

- R -
And don't forget, larger diameter wheels up front are a double-edged sword. While the smaller sidewall improves handling, the heaver wheels make a huge decrease in handling. So smaller wheels will usually handle better unless you have a very light-weight wheel.
Hi all, thanks for the replies. Suppose we'll know more about these details closer to release or maybe when the demo comes out?

Greycap - I knew about the wheels on GT4, I was hoping they'd make it a 'proper' upgrade on GT5 as said before for handling reasons etc...

Bleached - I know what you're saying, but to me - i'd prefer lower profile tyres to lighter rims as you can normally recoup the difference from lightening the car itself... Also the wheels concentrate the centre of gravity lower to the ground and at the 4-corners so can help a little (if as said before you recoup the weight difference by lightening the car).

But TBH, if GT5 took it to the level where these things made a difference? Holy moly - WHAT A GAME THAT WOULD BE!! :D

Can wait until it comes out now!