Quick Question: DIRT with G25, 900 degrees?

Hey guys, I've tried searching for this for the last hour or so and can't find anything here (or on codemasters).

I know that you can activate 900 degrees with the DFP by pressing R2, R3 and SELECT. Is there any trick for the G25 similar to this? I tried this combination and it didn't work for me.

Anyone got full 900 degrees on the G25 on Dirt? It's too damn twitchy with 180 degrees and feels like I'm only using half my £150 toy :(

Cheers in advance
does DiRT even support 900 degrees?
Here's a wheel settings someone put up
doesnt activate 900 degrees, but hopefully makes the game more playable...

steering saturation 65%
steering linearity 0.20
deadzone 0
all 3 ff settings on max
gas and brake 90%
gas and brakwe dead zone 2%
Thanks Delphic.

It's not looking likely I can use 900 degrees on the wheel though :/

hmmm, thats really weird
if the DFP does 900 the G25 should too :grumpy:
i was actually going to pick up the game and play it with the G25
any luck with the wheel settings?
My cuzin one day brought his DRIT game. We try on PS3, I do not remeber it was full 900 degrees, as well The wheel physics that DIRT has are really S**T. We went back to play with pads lol.
My cuzin one day brought his DRIT game. We try on PS3, I do not remeber it was full 900 degrees, as well The wheel physics that DIRT has are really S**T. We went back to play with pads lol.

yeah, i can only play that game (well, demo) with the pad
i'm fishtailing all over the place with the wheel...
any luck with the wheel settings?

I had a quick go and it felt a bit better, what I'm finding though is that I only havee to really turn the wheel like 20 degrees for corners, that makes precision driving really difficult since steering is either on or off - hence the fishtailing.

It's livable, just really difficult to control and annoying since 900 support would fix the problem.

Cheers for the help, guys.