Quick Question to get my PS program

Ok, so i wanted this:

^it's for windows 2000. Dont laugh :indiff:

But in order to use that i need this:

So will it work???? Is it a good idea. AND i dont wanna download the program off the internet. :yuck: HELP PLEASE! :)
Ok, so i wanted this:
^it's for windows 2000. Dont laugh :indiff:

But in order to use that i need this:

So will it work???? Is it a good idea. AND i dont wanna download the program off the internet. :yuck: HELP PLEASE! :)

Doubt it very much.
a Elements is NOT photoshop
b An upgrade will usually check for a valid key (a previous full version key specific to photoshop) and elements is very much a different program.

Hey don't apologise for Win2000, its more stable than XP.
