Quick ? re: D/L version of GT6

  • Thread starter Zevious Z
So I've had the disc version of GT6 forever, but I'm tired of hearing the disc drive spinning and whirring like a vacuum. I'm thinking of buying the downloadable version from the PS store for $15. If I do, will it just automatically use all the update files and game data that I already have installed or will I have to go through the ridiculous update process all over again?
You will have to download all the updates again, the download only has the disk data. Don't ask me why...
But, you will not have to start the game over.
hmmm, I note that you uninstalled the original GT6 game from your system before downloading the new one. I wonder if you'd still have had to do the update dance had you not done that? I guess probably, but it seems weird to me that you would. It's not like the updates write anything to the disc itself - they have to be used from the HD anyway so I don't get why the d/l version wouldn't just look for the same update files as the disc version and use them the same way.
hmmm, I note that you uninstalled the original GT6 game from your system before downloading the new one. I wonder if you'd still have had to do the update dance had you not done that? I guess probably, but it seems weird to me that you would. It's not like the updates write anything to the disc itself - they have to be used from the HD anyway so I don't get why the d/l version wouldn't just look for the same update files as the disc version and use them the same way.

But can you even install the downloaded version while you still have the disc version installed?
That I don't know. But it seems to me you should be able to. I mean the d/l version must basically just be the disc files copied to and run directly from the HD right? There would still have to be a separate update file somewhere that the game would look to for more current version of the game's data. As I understand it, when you run the disc version of the game it looks for more current files on the hard drive and uses those if they exist...I'd think the d/l version works the same way. But I suspect I'm totally wrong about that, lol...

Or I guess maybe the disc is basically just a "key" that allows you to run the game and the files are all mostly on the HD anyway in which case they may get overwritten by the D/L version and have to be re-updated...which is a pita. It wouldn't be a problem if the game didn't seem to always have to check the disc for some reason...
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I've been thinking about this for a while now as I cannot complete the IB Kart Race series. The game keeps crashing on that one. :confused: I'm not sure how to fix it. The disc is in perfect condition visually speaking.
I uninstalled GT6 because I did not have enough hard disk space for the downloadable version. Although, even if I had enough space, I'm not sure if the PS3 will allow another version of GT6 to be installed while another already exists.

My main reason for the change to the downloadable version is that my PS3 started having major problems reading dual layer disks, which GT6 is. Rather than change the laser, I decided to buy the downloadable version with a gift card I received. I still have trouble with it reading other discs like Rock Band 3, but eventually, it does read it and boot RB3.

GT6 got to the point where I couldn't get my PS3 to read it no matter which of the online tricks I tried (holding console at an angle, re-inserting disc multiple times, etc.).
That was exactly what was happening to me. My dual layer laser took a dump and would only boot up GT6 every couple of days if I got lucky. I bought a psn card at the store and used that to buy the download version. It seemed to take forever with the the updates but now I almost never have game freezes or loading problems. Maybe once every 60+ hours of play time.

All of my save data worked fine, but I had to go into my garage and update every car image. I only had about 150 at the time so it wasn't too bad.