Qustion about 3 lap battle New York Driving mission

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So I have been racing this 🤬 retarded mission for about 20 minutes and still havne been able to over pass the first car. Only got 100 feet from it and even that took forever. Is there any easy way to pass this level its driving me insane and the last level I need to pass to recieve the car for this section.
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Ok, 2 things here:

There's a complete forum for discussion of every mission in GT4 at the top of this board. It has a specific thread for each mission so you can discuss it there.
Mission Halls & Driving Tests.

Secondly :gtplanet: has a profanity filter for a reason:

The site owner does not believe that profanity encourages or enhances the mature and intelligent discussion that is promoted on this site.

Do not attempt to bypass it by deliberately missing out or substituting characters into a word while leaving no doubt as to its meaning. Use the 🤬 smiley instead if you must.
Try something like that again and see where it takes you. ;)

This thread is closed as it serves no purpose that hasn't already got a huge amount of discussion already.
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