basically two questions here:
1. How to go about tuning the V8 ford falcon? I've tried practically everything but it's always a massive hand full. I find driving the prototype cars a lot easier! And the Mclaren F1 Gt i find a lot lot easier to drive than the R3 class ford Falcon. (all of this without driver aids.) Anyone else had a lot of problems with the R3 ford falcon? It over-steers like mad pretty much everytime you turn with throttle! (I mean, i know that without t.c. you will always spin out if you abuse the throttle, on any settings)..Howhever I dont get why with the above mentioned Ford, I only seem to be able to tune car balance on open throttle... any suggestions?
2. question on differentials: As far as I can understand, high diff settings mean it allows more difference in wheel rotation, so on a RWD car, lowering the settings generally should make it less twitchy and more under-steery. Is this always true,no matter how much you lower, or is there an "optimal region"? How does it manage to turn even if you put the diff settings on 0%? I would of thought that with no difference in wheel rotation speed it can't turn! Am i missing something?
1. How to go about tuning the V8 ford falcon? I've tried practically everything but it's always a massive hand full. I find driving the prototype cars a lot easier! And the Mclaren F1 Gt i find a lot lot easier to drive than the R3 class ford Falcon. (all of this without driver aids.) Anyone else had a lot of problems with the R3 ford falcon? It over-steers like mad pretty much everytime you turn with throttle! (I mean, i know that without t.c. you will always spin out if you abuse the throttle, on any settings)..Howhever I dont get why with the above mentioned Ford, I only seem to be able to tune car balance on open throttle... any suggestions?
2. question on differentials: As far as I can understand, high diff settings mean it allows more difference in wheel rotation, so on a RWD car, lowering the settings generally should make it less twitchy and more under-steery. Is this always true,no matter how much you lower, or is there an "optimal region"? How does it manage to turn even if you put the diff settings on 0%? I would of thought that with no difference in wheel rotation speed it can't turn! Am i missing something?