R34's have amazing pull off the line which means your 1st gear shoul be long as possible, 2nd gear not as long but close enuff to shift into 2nd gear at about 40-50mph. Your trap speed on indy is about 150-160mph so u can first and foremost move your overall speed down to the lowest speed. After that extend ur 1st gear all the way to the left. Do a test run to get your 1st gear pulling without the rpm needle jumping which means adjust your final gear lower until it stops jumping. Once you get the first right to where it pulls with little smoke as possible set your 6th gear to about 150-160 then even the other gears out (3,4,5th). Your gear chart should look like a backwards upside down cellphone signal bar. The bottom of each gear should have a nice curve to it. Weight adjustments can be made if need be but not recommended. Your initial torque should always be at its highest as should your acceleration sensitivity. Brake sensitivity should be lowest so you wont fumble coming off the line with your hand on the brake. A little secret to awd and 4wd is set your torque placement to 50/50 which means you want all wheels to pull at the same rate. Some people run 40/60, 35/65, 30,70 and even 10/90(i dont like 10/90 because the car bogs alot)
P.S. race faster cars like GTR's, Vipers, Corvettes to get your car up to there speeds so when u go back to race other street cars it will be a walk in the park. Remember when your 1st gear is set and dialed in leave it alone.