Ok, I don't think this has been mentioned before:
If we are able to create race teams, this should include a form of co-up mode.
Let's say you and a friend are the two drivers of a raceteam. You both share a car.
When doing an endurance race, even online!, one player can take over from the other during a pit stop, just like in real life. You should have plenty of time to pass to controller or to take place behind the wheel.
During the pitstop a little menu pops up, allowing you to select the current driver's name (you might do another stint, or someone else can take over).
After the race you should be able to compare data. Lap times, sector times, fuel consumption, penalties, etc.
This way you can learn from each other.
I'd even take it one step further:
When GT5 is out there, I hope to see some clans. Clans that recruit their drivers and organize custom events.
You'd be crazy to drive a 2 hour, 4 hour or 6 hour (online) endurance race by yourself, but with 2 drivers it is possible.
So, you start racing just like mentioned above.
Now, imagine the host of the race doesn't participate in the race itself.
Instead, he get's a sort of B-Spec screen, like race control, with all the data:
Where all the cars are on the track, what position they are in, the current driver of every car, laptimes, yellow flags, weather prediction (or even weather manipulation..?) etc.
For those who want to get really freaky, imagine the host can send you private messages while racing. Sort of like your engineer. It can even be done right now, if you have the messages pop up enabled. This way a live feed is generated between the host and the driver.
Ofcourse this last idea is a bit far-fetched, one stap down the ladder is the idea of collecting this data into one big file (sort of like the telemetery), and afterwards this file can be viewed on the site of your clan. Again to compare yourself to others.
Finally, together with this data file, a combined replay file could be posted on the site or on the playstation network. This way you can share finished online endurance races with others.
I think all these features would finally give Gran Turismo the image of a real driving simulator.
So in short:
If we are able to create race teams, this should include a form of co-up mode.
Let's say you and a friend are the two drivers of a raceteam. You both share a car.
When doing an endurance race, even online!, one player can take over from the other during a pit stop, just like in real life. You should have plenty of time to pass to controller or to take place behind the wheel.
During the pitstop a little menu pops up, allowing you to select the current driver's name (you might do another stint, or someone else can take over).
After the race you should be able to compare data. Lap times, sector times, fuel consumption, penalties, etc.
This way you can learn from each other.
I'd even take it one step further:
When GT5 is out there, I hope to see some clans. Clans that recruit their drivers and organize custom events.
You'd be crazy to drive a 2 hour, 4 hour or 6 hour (online) endurance race by yourself, but with 2 drivers it is possible.
So, you start racing just like mentioned above.
Now, imagine the host of the race doesn't participate in the race itself.
Instead, he get's a sort of B-Spec screen, like race control, with all the data:
Where all the cars are on the track, what position they are in, the current driver of every car, laptimes, yellow flags, weather prediction (or even weather manipulation..?) etc.
For those who want to get really freaky, imagine the host can send you private messages while racing. Sort of like your engineer. It can even be done right now, if you have the messages pop up enabled. This way a live feed is generated between the host and the driver.
Ofcourse this last idea is a bit far-fetched, one stap down the ladder is the idea of collecting this data into one big file (sort of like the telemetery), and afterwards this file can be viewed on the site of your clan. Again to compare yourself to others.
Finally, together with this data file, a combined replay file could be posted on the site or on the playstation network. This way you can share finished online endurance races with others.
I think all these features would finally give Gran Turismo the image of a real driving simulator.
So in short:
- The ability to have multiple drivers per car
- An exported data file to compare and study your driving
- A combined replay file that can be shared
- A host that serves as race control
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