Race teams - the possibilities

  • Thread starter humpus
Ok, I don't think this has been mentioned before:

If we are able to create race teams, this should include a form of co-up mode.
Let's say you and a friend are the two drivers of a raceteam. You both share a car.
When doing an endurance race, even online!, one player can take over from the other during a pit stop, just like in real life. You should have plenty of time to pass to controller or to take place behind the wheel.
During the pitstop a little menu pops up, allowing you to select the current driver's name (you might do another stint, or someone else can take over).

After the race you should be able to compare data. Lap times, sector times, fuel consumption, penalties, etc.

This way you can learn from each other.

I'd even take it one step further:
When GT5 is out there, I hope to see some clans. Clans that recruit their drivers and organize custom events.
You'd be crazy to drive a 2 hour, 4 hour or 6 hour (online) endurance race by yourself, but with 2 drivers it is possible.
So, you start racing just like mentioned above.

Now, imagine the host of the race doesn't participate in the race itself.
Instead, he get's a sort of B-Spec screen, like race control, with all the data:
Where all the cars are on the track, what position they are in, the current driver of every car, laptimes, yellow flags, weather prediction (or even weather manipulation..?) etc.
For those who want to get really freaky, imagine the host can send you private messages while racing. Sort of like your engineer. It can even be done right now, if you have the messages pop up enabled. This way a live feed is generated between the host and the driver.
Ofcourse this last idea is a bit far-fetched, one stap down the ladder is the idea of collecting this data into one big file (sort of like the telemetery), and afterwards this file can be viewed on the site of your clan. Again to compare yourself to others.

Finally, together with this data file, a combined replay file could be posted on the site or on the playstation network. This way you can share finished online endurance races with others.

I think all these features would finally give Gran Turismo the image of a real driving simulator.

So in short:
  1. The ability to have multiple drivers per car
  2. An exported data file to compare and study your driving
  3. A combined replay file that can be shared
  4. A host that serves as race control
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If everything you mentioned above made it into GT5 I think I would be the happiest person on earth:drool:

I seriously think that could all work very well if implemented properly, and with the right sort of people in the race it could turn out to be very fun :D
hmmmmmmm not sure about that.

It's pretty radical and I'd rather it wasn't part of the main GT mode. But perhaps I'm just being backward thinking. I agree it would be nice as a little extra to online play, but I'm not sure if the whole fabric of the game should be based on this.

TBH I'm not sure, gotta think this one over!
hmmmmmmm not sure about that.

It's pretty radical and I'd rather it wasn't part of the main GT mode. But perhaps I'm just being backward thinking. I agree it would be nice as a little extra to online play, but I'm not sure if the whole fabric of the game should be based on this.

TBH I'm not sure, gotta think this one over!

I mean, obviously it would be part of the many options for online racing which we will have in the private rooms. It would just be something that the more hardcore fans could choose if they wanted to, rather than the ;whole fabric of the game; being based on it, if you see what I mean. I think this is what the OP is trying to say too.
I think it'd be nice just to have the ability to have another driver take over from you during a pit stop while online. That's all you need, then the community can do what they like with it (create teams, have endurance races and so on). I believe LFS has this option, but since I never race enduro races and am not part of a team, I dont know if it works properly (another racer can request to take over your car from you, and when you pit you can accept the request and swap with them for the next stint).

Having race engineers and stuff, not a bad idea, but I dont think it'd work very well ;) Its hard enough just to get a good, basic endurance race because everyone races too hard and either crashes or eats their tires within a few laps. The sweet spot for most online races is only about 10 minutes. :P
That would be a great addition to the game but if I understand well, the host is not racing , he is in front of a b-spec like screen for 2 hours or more?
I was recently thinking about 24h online race possibility but never thought about changing drivers in one car - very interesting idea but it not happens in GT5 in my opinion - 24h online race would be good enough I think...
If there would be an option of choosing number of laps in an online race (ie SCC beta has that option) 99Laps on LeSathre would be very nice - of course 24h online option would be the best but the risk of connection lost is in my opinion too big for something like that to be implemented in game :(
After all we only have like 1 international race every 3months? in GT5: P so 24h online - not possible probably :(

So could anyone who owns that LFS game check if there is an option of drivers swapping ?
I believe LFS has this option, but since I never race enduro races and am not part of a team, I dont know if it works properly (another racer can request to take over your car from you, and when you pit you can accept the request and swap with them for the next stint).
That's also pretty nice ofcourse! I meant someone in the same room could take over, but this is also a good idea. I think they both have their value though.

That would be a great addition to the game but if I understand well, the host is not racing , he is in front of a b-spec like screen for 2 hours or more?
The host is like the commander in Call Of Duty and games like that. He observes the situation and can give orders or hints towards the players.
Downside is that he doesn't race himself ofcourse. But I see the host as the organizer of the race. Like someone running the forum of your clan.

And come on: how cool would it be if the host could decide when the weather will change during a race and what kind of weather it would be.
This could even be done before the race, instead of live: In a two hour race you could have a wet start, little bit of rain, clearing up towards 2/3 of the race en then suddenly a huge shower. Or completely random, that's also fine by me :D
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OK have thought it over.

Would be good fun but not that high on my shopping list of online features, if the game had private rooms, the ability to create championships (i.e. pick car limits, race distance and tracks), thats more important for me and with just these features the online would be amazing.
Has variable/optional weather even been confirmed?

I don't think the idea would work, sorry. No host would be happy to sit there for 2/4/6/24 hours controlling the weather and telling people when to pit in. I like the idea of drivers swapping, but again, what would the other driver do during the time he isn't driving? Unless he turns up later....

Essentially B-spec was like having a second driver take over for you and worked well for endurance racing.

I like your thinking, it reminds me of flight simmers who like to co-op for long missions, i just don't think it will be implemented, and even if it is i don't think many would be up for it.

As said above, i just hope for an online where you can choose your race/opponents via a lobby or room, and edit the details of the race.
I don't think the idea would work, sorry. No host would be happy to sit there for 2/4/6/24 hours controlling the weather and telling people when to pit in. I like the idea of drivers swapping, but again, what would the other driver do during the time he isn't driving? Unless he turns up later....
Well, with GT4 their were enough people who raced endurance races together (taking turns). Of course not every day :D

My opinion is: if it's done in real life, why not implement it in the game? It IS a driving simulator, right?

But ofcourse I have to agree with your other arguments, there won't be many people up for this. But on the other side, it's not that hard to put into the game and it would be great fun at LAN parties.

And hey, I'm just bringing some fresh ideas... In a lot of other threads ideas are just repeated over and over again. I just thought I could introduce something new ;)
So could anyone who owns that LFS game check if there is an option of drivers swapping ?

There definately is, I'm just not 100% on how it works during a race because I never race enduros on LFS :P You can open up a list with the names of everyone in the server, and if they are in a position where a driver swap is possible (ie. one person spectating and the other in the pits), you have the option of clicking an icon next to their name to initiate the driver swap during the pit. I've never used it in an actual race though, only to "rent" my car to someone :P

Imagine having a 24 hour tag team event around the world. Someone in Australia plays for a couple of hours, then trades off to someone in Asia for a couple of hours, then someone in the middle east, then someone in europe, then someone in the US, then someone in the pacific islands to bring it home :P

I can't really imagine anyone wanting to be the "race engineer". It'd be pretty boring given you'll only have people pitting, what, every 20-30 minutes or so?
There is another race team thread, even has a poll in it. I wish people would post in relevant threads than start a gob of news ones. The board is cluttered as it is. :P

Anyway, some of this would work in an endurance, Season or Career Mode online. The engineer, I'm not too sue about though. What do they do, determine how much fuel gets put in, tweaking camber, stuff like that? That would be good to give the other driver to handle rather than the driver who's just trying to get into pit lane. Sorting through options at that point without a pause feature is really annoying.
And come on: how cool would it be if the host could decide when the weather will change during a race and what kind of weather it would be.
This could even be done before the race, instead of live: In a two hour race you could have a wet start, little bit of rain, clearing up towards 2/3 of the race en then suddenly a huge shower. Or completely random, that's also fine by me :D

if it were like that then if the host had a favorite in the race he tell him when to pit for rain tires and when to switch back to slicks.

I can't really imagine anyone wanting to be the "race engineer". It'd be pretty boring given you'll only have people pitting, what, every 20-30 minutes or so?

what if the driver that isn't in the car is the race engineer for their team?
if it were like that then if the host had a favorite in the race he tell him when to pit for rain tires and when to switch back to slicks.

what if the driver that isn't in the car is the race engineer for their team?
Could also be the case. I'm just trying to bring some new (radical) ideas instead of the never ending stream of little changes...
Very nice Ideas pal! 👍

I particularly like the b-spec option, that should be standard for all online races. It could be as complex as you have discussed, or as simple as being able to see what is happening around the track. I'm sure that PD could include one extra player on the server if they were not actually driving the car.

This kind of thing would be invaluable for private room races, where adjudication was necessary. If PD included a flag option, then an adjudicator would be able to monitor players who were breaking the rules. Combine the flag option with the ability to save races, and the flag shown on a timeline of the race (for easy review), then you would be on to a winner! 👍