Racing controller

  • Thread starter Fat_Stogie

I just pre ordered this sucker. Anyone else pre order it? And do you think it can help improve time? CAuse when im looking at it i see ability to feather the throttle and brake and control steering much better due to single axis control. Which is also orientated better.

For whatever reason i can turn left better than right with the stick. That wheel appears better.

I dont think its out yet so no one has used it yet but is it gonna be as awesome as i feel its gonna be? Or am i gonna waste 50 bucks then get a wheel. lol

Cause if this controller dont pan out i gotta go wheel. Its insane to use the controller. Im used to x and box for brake and gas. CAnt get used to right stick or to r2 l2. So im really excited for this controller.
That looks really cool. Could be a nice upgrade for some.

I stumbled accross it and i felt like i found a treasure. LOL idk i hope im not putting too much expectation on it but what it looks like is pretty damn awesome. It will be the controller v wheel equalizer i hope.

I can get some gold corners with the DS3. But really hard to get all gold corners. To get gold in the race you need every corner perfect. And with teh DS3 its too much to get to that point. Hopefully that controller will reach the butter zone that the DS3 wont. Im freakin like cartman, i wanna freeze myself til it comes out.

Like its gonna complete this game, IMO.
Wouldnt the R2 and L2 triggers be just as effective on the standard Dual Shock?


My, and most video gamers, have more sensitive and dexterous thumbs than fingers. Especially those like me from the back int eh day thumb only stuff.

I, and most anyone, will have much greater command of their thumbs than the index fingers.

But for whatever reason im not good in the right stick. IDK i use it in shooters just fine but i cant get it good enough for driving. That x and square will be better for me.

But id also say that soemone good with r2, will also be better with that controller.

Also cause of the wheel. Its axis, relative to you, is different than the stick, and IMO it looks mo better. Like doing it on my controller it feels better like that than with the stick.

Plus in GT3 i used hte d pad. But on DS3 the buttons arent as sensative. But there are wasted movements because youll never get the stick to stay perfectly on the axis for steering. So the single axis steering wheel is much better.
I personally wish there was a controller that is Dual Shock sized, Dual Shock main buttons (X,O,Sq,Tr), Dual shock R1 & R2, Xbox 360 triggers, Xbox 360 analogue sticks, Xbox 360 layout, and Dual Shock D-Pad. I'd pay good money for that.
I personally wish there was a controller that is Dual Shock sized, Dual Shock main buttons (X,O,Sq,Tr), Dual shock R1 & R2, Xbox 360 triggers, Xbox 360 analogue sticks, Xbox 360 layout, and Dual Shock D-Pad. I'd pay good money for that.

Make one, it's not that hard.
put my pre order in ages ago now getting skeptical that it will ever get released!
Going to try one of the Thrustmaster Ferrari controllers for now and see if it helps. No room for a wheel and have always hated the PS3 controller.
Probably should have just gone for a wheel.

Non Sony controller, more or less racing game only. Actually, might be GT5 only depending on the way the buttons are handled - given many other games don't have fully configurable controls.

Plus, it's a steering wheel. :P

L2/R2 sucks, about half travel = 95% throttle. More or less useless.
Probably should have just gone for a wheel.

Non Sony controller, more or less racing game only. Actually, might be GT5 only depending on the way the buttons are handled - given many other games don't have fully configurable controls.

Plus, it's a steering wheel. :P

L2/R2 sucks, about half travel = 95% throttle. More or less useless.

LOL ok downside? the controller is racing only. Ok well a wheel is racing only and the controller is less than half the price.

It works on any game. But? why do you need to configure the controls? What your gonna pay for an x and box gas/brake then use r2l2? It just replaces what salready inteh software for the controls. and the buttons and controller is set up so that you dont have to change anything.
Oh ok i see what you mean. I if a game is set up for r2l2 and this is square box? I think the controller has a physical button you can use to switch those buttons.

it will work on any racing game.