I don't like the "just don't have security, give the robber what he wants, it's safer" solution - it invites crime. And I don't like the "it makes customers feel safer" line because I think half the customers would prefer the guards had bigger weapons. I also don't like the "secret guns are better" line because security guards are usually armed and usually easily identifiable.
Before I start, I will say that I am basing my opinion on 25years experience in banking industry in Australia and have been in 3 bank hold ups (all over 20 years ago) and had a gun pointed at my head during one of them. (and I have the pictures to prove it
It's not necessarily a case of "just don't have security, give the robber what he wants, it's safer" but more a case of having guns at all or bigger guns is not always going to be the safest option.
A bank robbers prime objective is to get in and out as quick as possible, very few bank robbers do it for a full time job, they are scared, they want things to go as smoothly as possible, they don't go in planning to shoot anyone and chances are their guns (if they really have one) aren't even loaded.
The banks prime objective during a hold up is to keep customers and staff safe. It's not up to the bank to catch the bank robbers, that's the job of the police. But that doesn't mean banks take no precautions at all to protect the money. When I started in banking many moons ago there was next to know security, alarms, a dye bomb that got handed out with the money and thats about it. Bank robberies were a lot more common back in those days. These days most banks have some sort of security barrier, anti jump barriers or risings ecurity screens, time delay safes as well as alarms. These measures have drastically reduced the number of armed hold-ups in banks. Where I worked at my previous branch the bank next door had a guard but no security screens and got knocked off twice in the couple of years I worked next door. We had screens so they were a much easier target.
I guess what I am am trying to get at is I, as a bank worker, I feel a lot safer knowing that what is a very high pressure situation isn't made worse by potentially becoming a 'my guns bigger than yours' shoot em up. Just get them out the door and let the police worry about the money later.