- 4,103
- George0393 + GTP_GM

Welcome to the second week of the Rally Photomode Competition!

Classic Rally.
Take any car made before 1970 and take a shot of it.
Eligable Cars - Any car made before 1970.
Location - Any Special Conditions track exept Tsubuka Wet.
Judge - George Morley

Photoshop may only be used to adjust brightness, contrast, to add a small signiture and remove watermark.
You may change your Final Entry twice, but please state if you do so.
Use imageshack.us to upload your pictures.
You may post a preview with your image but it must not exeed 400x300 pixels in size.
Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
Post all entries in this thread.
Use your own pictures only in the competition.
The top 10 entries will go into the Final Poll.
The poll winner will choose the theme for next week.
Have fun!

Deadline is August 22nd 2006 6:00 AM - London UK Time.