Rally racing problem

I'm not sure why this happens but when I'm rally racing and I attempt to come into a turn side ways, my wheels won't hook up when I accelerate. Basically I haver to come to a complete stop to get my car moving again.is it a tuning issue? Suggestions?
Hmmm it depends on your set-up and your driving style. I will be posting a tune for my Corolla Rally '98 car soon. IF you want you could check it out and see if it helps. :D. Other then that id suggest jsut playing around with your settings and making sure your are entering and exiting the corners properly.
i go nose in to the corner and accelerate, the tires should spin and carry you around the corner. Mine doesnt the accelerator meter is all red, with a little sliver of white at the bottom, meaning i have the gas floored and the wheels arent moving. I just dont know what is trying to compensate that. Ill definately check out some rally tunes, anyone have some links?