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This topic has probably been covered before, but since it's fresh on my mind, I'll resurrect it. I've spent a lot of time the past few weeks online and it strikes me that many online racers get more enjoyment from ramming others rather than focusing on the racing. It is so common to be taken out at corners and on straightaways by manuvers that are clearly intended to knock you out of position. It's really frustrating to get rammed into a wall and then suffer a time penalty for contact. Does anyone know how penalties are assessed and why would one get penalized after getting rammed? Is it too hard for the software to get any more fair about this?
I realize that this is just a game, but I've got to believe that there are many of us online racers who would prefer "cleaner" races. I'm sure that there are other racing games where ramming is expected and part of the value and enjoyment, but I look at GT5-P as a racing simulator.
I realize that this is just a game, but I've got to believe that there are many of us online racers who would prefer "cleaner" races. I'm sure that there are other racing games where ramming is expected and part of the value and enjoyment, but I look at GT5-P as a racing simulator.