Randomly generated roads?

  • Thread starter luftrofl
My idea: A mode of GT5 that allows you to drive on randomly generated roads that continue being randomly generated until you select stop.

I think this would add tons of replay value to the game and be quite fun. đź‘Ť

Downside is that PD might think it's not a good use of time. :indiff:
Downside is I don't see random roads being a lot of fun. Environments would have to be generated too by the way. The way I see it is you end up with long boring tracks. What's the chance the computer generates a challenging corner anyway?

No thanks, GT is about knowing your tracks like the inside of your pocket, not about driving unknown, random roads. That's something best left for pure arcade games.
Technically it's possible, but your not going to get a great looking enviroment, I think maybe a track editor would be a cool addition, but this just wouldn't work that well I don't think, and a track editor gives you all the control over how good the track is going to be.
I think it would be very hard to impliment to any decent standard. You could do it, but the track would look crappy compared to the other PD created tracks - they must spend months and months detailing the tracks in GT.
While I agree that the random "roads" idea may not fly, this plays right into my desire to have an Autocross Mode in GT5.

In the gymkhana area it would be easy to have both randomly-generated and user-designed autocross courses, since the background is essentially fixed and unchanging, and the course itself just consists of a cone layout. It would be easy to save layouts, too, but autox is about learning a new course with little practice, so they are meant to be temporary things.
Well.. Depending on what PD should choose for scenery, should they implement it, I don't think this would be all that hard to make at least a little entertaining. Imagine a road like the Nordschleife, just throw in random after random turn with shorter and longer straights thrown in. With the power of the PS3, generating random trees, bushes, signs, henges thrown next to the track wouldn't take much computerpower. A city course could be made the same way. Just randomly place buildings from eg. NY (Hell - A mix from all the different cities should make for some interesting scenery) along the randomly generated track...

Wouldn't be very hard to implement...
In Enthusia you have a desert track with side flags (blue and red, you have to pass between these two colors, don't remember wich means "left side of the track" and wich means "right side of the track"), and each time you enter the flags change positions in the scenery. They call it the "random track generator", but it only works in a portion of the track where the scenery is nothing but sand and rocks. And it doesn't give you really a "Dakar" feel, because the track (point to point) is relatively small.

However, this is the kind of "small" outcome of a good idea that could, if correctly developed, become a great addition in a game.

I really would like to have a Rally-Raid game where you could do gigantic stages in a bike, a car or a truck ... with the graphics quality standards of GT4 and the physics quality standards of Enthusia. A game where I could get a glimpse of what these Dakar racers do.

I guess that won't happen neither in GT5 nor in Enthusia2. :indiff:
Well.. Depending on what PD should choose for scenery, should they implement it, I don't think this would be all that hard to make at least a little entertaining. Imagine a road like the Nordschleife, just throw in random after random turn with shorter and longer straights thrown in. With the power of the PS3, generating random trees, bushes, signs, henges thrown next to the track wouldn't take much computerpower. A city course could be made the same way. Just randomly place buildings from eg. NY (Hell - A mix from all the different cities should make for some interesting scenery) along the randomly generated track...

Wouldn't be very hard to implement...

You're not insinuating a track like NĂĽrburgring is just a bunch of random corners and straights, are you?

If you'd let a computer generate a track, based on no matter how many parameters, there's only a very small chance it ends up being anything entertaining. The thing is, a computer can't evaluate how nice a track feels, how much fun it is, what are potentially challenging corners (it could try to measure the 'toughness' through mathematical computations, but it couldn't take into acount how demanding it is for a human driver, well, not really),...

A lot of thought goes into the design of a challenging, fun and interesting track, this where a computer fails. It can only act on parameters. If you're thinking about the computations involved, sure, PS3 is up to the task, but we'll only end up with a potentially hard and complicated track, which isn't necesarilly fun.
I think he meant imagine that kind of setting and scenery but random roads, not that the Ring resembled randomly thrown together roads.
Sounds great to me.
Ideally, there'd be a bunch of option sliders to set up your random crusing experience.
Uphill, flat, hilly (+amplitude) or downhill and average grade.
Gravel, snow or asphalt and how hard packed or what sort of asphalt quality (from 'one grade up from dirt' to smooth as glass)
Average turn radius, corner frequency, road width.
Throw in a few enviroments; desert, coast, maybe two kinds of forest.
There's maybe a couple more variables to add, but overall I think this would offer a lot of good gameplay for realitivly little programming time invested.
It's not going to happen, but we can keep talking about it anyway.
I'm sorry... I loathe these free-roaming, random road stuff. I think it fits nowhere into Gran Turismo games. I'd be better off taking cars to the track and not have to worry about driving for miles for no apparent reason. I don't want GT to be OutRun, in which you're just going for miles and miles certainly on roads? The purpose of this for race tracks is absolutely dumb. You want endless road? Race Nürburgring Nordschleife. Randomly-generated road has another flaw- redundancy. You'll be like "hey, I've seen this structure up the hill for the fourth time, and I've been driving straight down the road." You know?

Again, I'm not overestimating the PS3's power potential. I don't want to do or mention stupid or ridiculous things. Let's be realistic about this issue. And I agree about this being a good idea for mostly Autocross. But even then, I don't want to race forever in some parking lot or stadium or whatever. The next best thing would be an random Autocross generator. You can select arena size, slalom sections, and all that stuff. Don't like the idea? That's why you either tune with the options or recreate a random level.

Can the idea. More negatives than positives. Plus, the only benefactor is Production cars in daily driving conditions. And knowing some people, the itch will be about leadfooting the gas, taking a chance at hitting some other cars or whatever. So, no.
I think he meant imagine that kind of setting and scenery but random roads, not that the Ring resembled randomly thrown together roads.

Thank you - That is exactly what I meant đź‘Ť
Thank you - That is exactly what I meant đź‘Ť
Ah, well, sorry, misread then. The post wasn't meant offensive by the way, just my opinion on the matter. And I think my point is still valid.
I think it would be nice to have the same track, but randomly generated weather.
If they ran the nurb 24 hour or the Le Mans circuit as an add-on disc where the trax were there purely for endurance racing, and they gave you day into night cycles, and rain and sun also, but randomly generated, that would be awesome.
Imagine starting 24 hours in the dry, on slix, then hitting wet roads half way round the nurburgring, as they do IRL, and having to make a tyre choice for the next 5 laps or so, then the skies clear up, it drys out maybe..then it rains again, then after a dry spell, you get dusk, then nite, and the ability to switch your headlights on, and flash people, then maybe a shower from 4am through till 10, along with a sunrise, followed by cloud as the day warms up, into a sunny afternoon, pushing your car to its limits and achieveing the fastest laps of your race so far, in the closing stages, maybe even reducing the ever present gap between you and 1st place as you head for the finish....

Id like to be able to set parameters like the date, and have the one i choose reflect the weather cycle for that country, and also be able to set the start time for the race.
It would be nice to start a 4 hour or even a 24 hour which i could never guarantee what the weather's input would be for the race.
It was always going to be different.
Im sorry to butt in in totally the wrong thread, i should know better, but its something i wanted to say...
please excuse me.
I always liked the idea of a track editor, i had lots of fun making roads in V-rally, but i dont think a computer can create a track.
I was talking with my boss at the kart circuit on sunday nite about adjusting ONE CORNER on the track, and we argued over ideas for over an hour.
Its a very difficult thing, getting track design right, there are a lot of implications, and having one that flows is just as important as having one that surprises and excites all the time too.
We'd probably all end up with massive jumps to use the nos on anyway.
If we had control.
The PS3 would just make corners that we would tell the air around us we hated, but we would never get to race them again exactly, so who could we tell who would care?
[/end rant]