
  • Thread starter jph1
Can someone please HELP!

What is the best way to complete the RANSOM mission at Cartes Mansion, shoreside vale, liberty city?
Please can someone help as i must have done this 20 times, i am starting to go mad!
Originally posted by jph1
Can someone please HELP!

What is the best way to complete the RANSOM mission at Cartes Mansion, shoreside vale, liberty city?
Please can someone help as i must have done this 20 times, i am starting to go mad!

Do you need help with "The exchange" too?, cause all ransom is, is just driving over to the mansion, and dropping off the $500,000...

what I meant was "the exchange", I cannot do it! it's driving me mad cos I know it can't be the hardest mission, cos at the point of "the exchange", only about 40% of the missions are completed. Can you help me, please?!
That mission took me a while to beat. you just have to learn where everyone is and stuff like that. Easier said then done but it shouldnt take more then an hour and it didnt take me that long. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I got all 100 packages before I did it, so a quick trip to the hideout got me enough firepower to snipe, snipe, snipe all those Colombians. You can also blow up the flatbeds with the rocketlauncher so they don't rush you... :)
I found out that driving over the dudes at the entrance and taking their AK's, then taking the Sniper Rifle, then the M16, and then the rocket launcher worked. There's a ton of guns there, you just have to look around and use the sniper as best you can.
There are basically two ways you can do it. Shoot everyone and take their weapons, or get at least 80 packages and have the sniper rifle at your hideout.

Other things to remember.
You need 3 sniper shots for the guys surrounding Maria.

You have to take out the guy with the flamethrower. (Well, I think you have to. It's a good idea, anyway)

You get the rockeet launcher from the top of the heliport, take out the copper, then run over towards Maria before the time runs out.

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