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Today I went to Best Buy and I was looking for a new PS2 game. I got T.X.R.0 The thing I noticed was that PSX games are still being on sale at $40. I mean come on; the Playstation is an outdated system. Games should cost a bargain. Well not a bargain, but they cost like a three month old PS2 game. Their price range should be below $20 One of the many reasons I bought the PS2 was of the huge PSX game library. But the truth is I cant stand PSX games anymore. They maybe entertaining but the graphics honestly suck. The only games that are in some way valuable are the 2d- ones like the Mega Man series. I dont believe why EA is still realeasing sports games in both PSX&PS2 and making more PS2 to PSX ports. PSX games from three to four years ago cost like $30. It's time to forget developing crap and moving onto the serious thing!