Another welcome tweak is the new Season mode. The last games deep, broad career mode (wed go with dense and unfocused) is being overhauled in Forza 3. Although were told it will include 200 events, Greenawalt explains that the game will look at your driver profile, your performance and your cars and then choose the three most relevant events for you to take part in. The Season mode will also feature guidance and voiceovers by the voice of motorsport God Peter Egan, adding some silver-tongued gravitas to proceedings. Anything that can break the repetitive cycle of career mode racing is a good idea as far as were concerned.
However, while these concessions to accessibility might be the focus of Greenawalts presentation, what we take away from the hands-on is something different. Forza 3, auto-braking or not, moves along at a frightening pace. Were told the game is the only driving game to be released this year that will run at 60 frames-per-second at 1080p. If you cant run at 60 frames per second, youre not a great racing game, Greenawalt tells us before firing a couple of broadsides at the competition. Other racing games hang their hat on one feature. Oh weve got a cockpit view and its really immersive and...and were done. Thats not Forza, he says. Weve got the best physics, the best graphics, the most cars, the most tracks...were trying to redefine the racing genre. Well let you know how they get on.