Red Bull X2010 differences.

  • Thread starter Matyltest
I searched, and didn't find any conclusive treads about this.

There actualy is a difference on them all.

The most notable is the transmission.

The S.Vettel as we all know has fixed ratios on individual gears. Most noticable is the long first gear, like a true racecar. It then follows up with close ratio gearing from 2nd to 7th. The final gear however is changable after 1.06 patch.

The Normal X2010 and the prototype has the ability to customize each gear individualy. Tho not to the extent that the S.Vettel's fixed gearing is sett.

The prototype however has lower gearing-options than the normal one.
Prototype first gear is adjustable = 6.961---9.755
Normal X1 first gear is adjustable = 6.348---8.895

With this in mind, and the x2010's fenomenal low end torque, i started playing with the gearing. What i found out is that the S.Vettel seems more drivable and also seem faster(???).

So to make the other X2010's match this i streached the first gears as long as I could, as the X2010's seldomly use its first gears, and of-the-line accelration is seldomly needed in motorsports. The rest of the gears is adjusted to make a vehicle that accelrates better at high speeds. (150mph+)

My settings so far:


I see that i can never match the Vettel's fantastic gearing, and that these settings arent optimal at all, it's mainly ment as an experiment. I have my bob race the car and im loging the races, and i can't see that my setup is slower than the stock gear-ratios, and my settings give all the cars the same top speed as a stock Vettel.

Secoundly i notice that the S.Vettel has more PP than the normal X2010. Even tho the X2010 has more HP. The tyres and downforce is the same on both cars.

Is the S.Vettel the real pearl amongst these cars? Are the Other two just "Trophycars" to show people that "you did it"? The normal X2010 and the prototype is after all geared to pull a caravan:P
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Vettel's car has different headlight startup sequence.
When you turn on your head lights, they light up slowly from the LED sector to the top lamp. Prototype and "Normal" version light their lights instantly.
The stop lights in Vettel's car have the same principal. First the light is dim, then goes bright.