Here is what I am currently running, which are the standard/default settings:
Camber Angle (-) 2.0/1.0
Toe Angle -0.50/0.50
Ride Height (mm) 0/0 (none adjustable)
Spring Rate (kgf/mm) 17.4/17.5
Dampers (Ext) 8/8
Dampers (Comp) 8/8
Anti-Roll 7/7
I tried your suggestions
Decreased toe to -.25/+.25
Decreased camber to 1.0/1.0
Decreased spring rate to 12/12
with no results.
After this I changed the wheel alignment settings
- tried completely neutral toe & camber (0) with softest settings for spring front and rear.
- Included a decrease in the damper compression & extension
- Decreased the anti-roll bar adjustment to 1 for both front and rear
Went to the Logitec wheel settings, hoping something there could be adjusted
- Steering type changed from Simulation/Professional
- Power assisted steering Off/On
Driving options menu
- Traction control
- Skid recovery force
- Active steering
All to no avail! Granted, all the above measurements need to done in unison because most of them work together to create a balanced car but, none of them seemed to make any difference what-so-ever.
What I still dont know is how wide spread this problem is. Does everyone else just deal with it

or is my situation unique?