Redbull Mayhem

  • Thread starter Neutty
United States
Gardner, KS


American Racing League Presents the first ever Redbull Mayhem.
Here is how this will work.

Qualifying race. CLEAN, (to the best of your ability)
2 lap race
Subaru Isle Of Man
The top 2 finishers will choose their teams from available racers in lobby.
Information is very limited for this race as we don't want anyone practicing for this race.

Round 1(backwards race)
Impreza 22B
Racing: Heavy Wet

Red bull short 10:45 Rain

2 or 3 round depends on the team split is 1 and 1

Team 1 will start in the front and run the race like normal and run 2 laps.
Team 2 will immediately take off in Reverse and spin the car around, and complete two laps in reverse.

**Since Redbull has a starting line that is further down the straight than the Finish line, this allows a race that will be close to the finish. The last place car on each team is the one we are watching, which ever TEAM completely crosses the line first is declared the winner. By the Way, GHOSTING WILL BE OFF FOR THIS RACE. It is as clean as possible, but will most likely be dirty as you cross the path of the other team. YOU CANNOT CUT CORNERS, YOU MUST FOLLOW THE TRACK TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.**
We will flip directions for the next round.


The winning team will then pick a driver that they must beat in the next 2 races. The picking order will be selected by the finishing order of the final Race for the backwards race. For instance..

Driver A Chooses to race against Driver 3
Driver B Chooses to race against Driver 2
Driver C Chooses to race against Driver 1
Driver D Chooses to race against Driver 5
Driver E Must race against last Driver 4

Round 2
Rally Cars Gr.B NO RCZ
BOP on
Comfort Hards
Redbull Long 4 Laps
2 rounds
The starting grid will be set up putting the losing team ahead of the winning team drivers looking something like this.
1 - Driver 3
2 - Driver A
3 - Driver 2
4 - Driver B
5 - Driver 1
6 - Driver C
7 - Driver 5
8 - Driver D
9 - Driver 4
10 - Driver E


The Driver you are racing against is the only Driver that matters at beating.
2 points per Driver

Round 3 DIRTY
Clio V6 24V ‘00 Dirty race Racing Wets
Redbull LONG 8 LAPS
Grid shouldnt matter
Boost on Strong
Slipstream on Strong

All races with Fuel/Tire wear at 0x

The following cars must be bought.
Clio V6 24V '00
Any Gr.B (Except the RCZ)
Subaru Impreza 22B
Subaru Isle Of Man

If you are interested please reply to this thread. We are tentatively looking at September 20th. Lobby will be limited to 15 ARL members only. We will start a confirmation list once we know a finalized date, we will then open up the lobby if we dont have enough confirmations.
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i am 50/50 have my oldest daughters b day party on Saturday so i will be getting setup for that.
Maybe I missed it, but what time is this race?

Edit: I found it. Sorry. I wont be able to make that time. I'll still be at work.
To the top. With ARL Gr.3 series being off on October 12, who wants to join in on a fun night?

If you can join then please reply with interested! Thanks.
DAMN IT! you literally picked the one day I actually have a life! I will come by and spectate, but i will not make in it time to start what i would like to call....Delightful Utter Chaos! I absolutely have to see this happen!!!
DAMN IT! you literally picked the one day I actually have a life! I will come by and spectate, but i will not make in it time to start what i would like to call....Delightful Utter Chaos! I absolutely have to see this happen!!!
We may run it at the Gr.3 scheduled time slot.
@Neutty, if there is ANY testing to be done for this, PLEASE, let me know....have been chomping at the bit to do this event!!!!
Me too. Lately work has been extremely busy. So when I get home it’s chillaxing. Well get this event in hopefully by the first of the year.
Thinking about resurrecting this, Who is interested in running this on 11/22? time to come!!

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