Remote Controlling A Human?

  • Thread starter Shannon
ATSUGI, Japan - We wield remote controls to turn things on and off, make them advance, make them halt. Ground-bound pilots use remotes to fly drone airplanes, soldiers to maneuver battlefield robots.

But manipulating humans?

Prepare to be remotely controlled. I was.

Whole Article:

Freakish stuff. Now, all we need is:
Now, all we need is:
Love? Da daa raaa da aaaa.

I can't see no picture. Is it there or is it just this cr*p network I'm on?

They could use that on GT5 to simulate the g forces on your head during cornering and braking.

*** realises he's just made a post in the opions forum. Runs away quickly....***
A special headset was placed on my cranium by my hosts
You could just wear the headset and then do whatever you wanted, and claim that someone else was controlling you... when instructed to take the headset off, you could claim that your controller wouldn't allow you and that you were powerless to stop them. The possibilities are endless...

*thinks - that's the gf's xmas present sorted out then ;)*
I take it the headset thingy can only make you stumble around in various directions, not actually do anything complex or use your hands etc...

Its pretty much just a zombie simulator. :lol:
It'd be nice if it could make humans perform complex tasks. I'd buy one. I'd get all the money back performing remote-controlled bank heists.
Those things would be dangerous in the wrong hands. A man can slap that on some poor womans head and have his way.
I'm sure there is much easier and cheaper ways of doing that.

Looks weird. They started this with rats a while ago, they can get them to change direction using a head unit. Useful for search and rescue.
I'm sure there is much easier and cheaper ways of doing that.

Looks weird. They started this with rats a while ago, they can get them to change direction using a head unit. Useful for search and rescue.

Da da da da daaa The Rescue Rats
I've seen a similar remote control thingy in local newspapers that works on confusing our balancing system in our ears so that we can lean left/right on command.

Not very usefull at the moment i guess.

But i really want that remote by shannon 👍 :dopey:
everyone remember to never piss of these guys or honda. they might send asimo to your house when you sleep and put one of these things on your head and use you to take over the world...

haha. this is rather scary though. i'd be really afraid of the government then. they are probably already looking into using this stuff to control prisoners.
Yeah, I heard about this a few days ago. It kinda scares me and wouldn't suprise me if there wasn't already a conspiracy on controlling people. :nervous: