Remote Racing Not Working Online

  • Thread starter Buhnanah
I don't know if this is only happening to me, but whenever I try to host a Remote Race, and then choose other peoples' drivers, it says "Driver not found".

I go to my PS3, put it on stand-by mode. I go on my desktop, and when I choose the race, and then go to choose the racers, it shows the people's name, but when I click on them to choose their drivers, it says "Driver not found". For mine, it works normally, everyone loads up.

So I go back to the PS3, and try to just do it from there, and it works normally. All their racers load normally, and I can start a race perfectly. The race ends, and I try it again on my desktop, and the same thing happens. Nothing loads up. Is there a reason why it's doing this? Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: And also, it doesn't show all the people from my friends list who I can choose on my desktop.
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