Reopen the racism/ katrina thread

  • Thread starter ledhed
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Ultraextreme sanity
IMO you were hasty in closing the thread. The subject is worthy of discussion outside of the ..everyone is a bumbling idiot and Bush sucks threads RE Katrina that already exist. Race in the US is still a subject of debate and as you can see in a competitive media market IS USED FOR RATINGS by the press and to draw attention to ones politics...even if they are has beens or never was .

I for one was glad to see that the thread was there and was getting very usefull information . If anyone was paying attention especially to this post about the " sound bites " .

JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: It could happen. And with a couple of days' notice, as you suggested, it was taking shape and drawing a bead on the city, and we knew it was coming. And yet, the poorest and the neediest and the most helpless of those in New Orleans, well, they're still there, aren't they?

Despite the many angles of this tragedy -- and lord knows there've been a lot of them in New Orleans -- there is a great big elephant in the living room that the media seems content to ignore.

That would be until now.'s Jack Schafer wrote today in his column that television coverage has shied away from talking about race and class. Schafer says that we in the media are ignoring the fact that almost all of the victims in New Orleans are black and poor. And he's right. Almost every person we've seen, from the families stranded on their rooftops waiting to be rescued, to the looters, to the people holed up in the Superdome, are black and poor.

Many of them didn't follow the evacuation orders because they didn't have the means to get out of town. They just couldn't do it. A lot of them are sick. A lot of them don't have cars. A lot of them just didn't have the means to leave the Big Easy. And they're still there.

So here's the question: What role have race and class played in the Gulf Coast crisis? You tell us. CaffertyFile -- one word --

Wolf, we got something like 7,500 letters in the first hour of the program today. I thought we got a lot yesterday. We got about 6,000 letters over the course of the three hours yesterday. Seventy- five hundred e-mails poured in, in the first hour.

One of them suggested I could be tied up in IRS audits for years after the things I said about the federal government in the first hour.

BLITZER: That's all right. You have nothing to hide, Jack.

CAFFERTY: Okay, Wolf.

BLITZER: All right. Jack Cafferty.

I want to show our viewers some pictures that are just coming in. We're getting multiple feeds. These are live pictures you're seeing over here from the airport, New Orleans Airport, individuals being brought in by helicopters or planes. They have got an emergency medical facility unde rway right now. And New Orleans Airport has become a major source of attention.

These pictures over here, look at this. Individuals continuing to do what we've been seeing for days now, simply walking through the water -- we have to assume it's disgusting water, and rapidly becoming disease-filled water -- just trying to get to some location with what meager possessions they have. We see that picture over and over and over again.

As much as you see that picture, though, you simply get chills every time you see these poor individuals. As Jack Cafferty just pointed out, so tragically, so many of these people, almost all of them that we see, are so poor and they are so black, and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold.

We'll take a quick break.

More of our special coverage right after this.

Now how exactly would this have been brought to your attention ? And how many would have just excepted the sound bite ?
The storm brought out the best and the worst in ever person and every agency and government oficial and the media .
I simply do not feel that the thread was degenerating and like I said actually had value unlike some I could mention . :) Or even a majority of them .

Racism needs to be brought out into the open under the light so that the simply ignorant or uniformed will be either " cured " or the vermin that preach it forced to scurry back under their rocks .
Same happens on many boards mate. If your opinion on a subject is not liked by moderators, admins whatever they put the nazi boot in. Freedom of speach exists on unmoderated boards only.
Same happens on many boards mate. If your opinion on a subject is not liked by moderators, admins whatever they put the nazi boot in. Freedom of speach exists on unmoderated boards only.
I don't particularly appreciate the insinuation in that statement.

As you both read and understood the AUP and TOS, you know that this is a privately owned and operated forum board. Jordan has selected one of the best groups of people I've come across for his staff. They adhere to the TOS and AUP, using it to make the board an enjoayable place for all visitors.

Seeign that both of you are intelligent, I am safe in assuming you've heard the line "You can please All of the people, some of the time. Some of the people, all the time. But never All of the people, all the time."

The thread stays closed.
I understand Der Alta being ticked off by Wity, but that's not really interesting - Wity isn't the most elegant of social animals to grace the online community.

But at the same time I think Der Alta has not answered ledhed's legitimate question as well as he could have. So let me be a pedantic bastard an pick it up for him. ;)

Ledhed, the original reason that the thread was closed was because the mods perceived it to become the same discussion as in the other two threads that the final post referred to. This is a valid point. I think that if you open a thread on the race part with the opening post you have here, the thread will stay open as long as it stays on topic.
It wasn't nor was it meant to be witty, nor elegant nor insinuating, nor aimed at any one mod in perticular. Truth is I dont have a clue about the thread in question I've not read it nor did I read beyond the first line of ledhed's post here. I merely stated a fact that many once given moderator status go power crazy acting like little Hitlers dictating their will on others and supressing free speach. You either put up with it and ignore the "goons" in charge slag them off and get banned or go to an unmoderated forum where freedom of speach exists.
The thread was not closed for content so your point is moot . In fact the only time I remember a thread on this board being closed for content it was IMO well deserved . This board is extremely tollerant ...again IMO . The thread was closed because in was thought that there were other threads opened that the discussion could be continued in . I of course do not aggree . :) I think the subject worthy of its own thread .
Good point well made ledhed....

... but comparing anyone to Hitler or the Nazis (moderators or otherwise) is a bad idea, wity or not... ;)
Thats in your opinion Touring Mars. not mine.

It's fair enough that mods stipulate what can and cant be discussed in a general forum if it's breaching the TOS and remove such if it jepodises the existance of the board but any other penalties imposed is dictatorial rule. So what's so wrong in calling a spade a spade?

btw Wity has been my nick some 45 years and derives from my surname 'Whitehouse' I'm not trying to be Witty.
btw Wity has been my nick some 45 years and derives from my surname 'Whitehouse' I'm not trying to be Witty.
I realise that... I'm just pulling your leg.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but name-calling, especially with reference to Nazis, will not get you anywhere. That is not a question of my opinion, it's a fact.
And you don't need to assume that because of past experiences all mods are power crazed. You have not been here long so cannot know what our mods are like.

The general feeling around here is that they do an awesome job. (except maybe Touring Mars!) ;)
Well, he HAS been here long. Longer than most. But I suspect experiences with pre-meltdown Racing Line may have altered his perceptions.
It wasn't nor was it meant to be witty, nor elegant nor insinuating, nor aimed at any one mod in perticular. Truth is I dont have a clue about the thread in question I've not read it nor did I read beyond the first line of ledhed's post here. I merely stated a fact that many once given moderator status go power crazy acting like little Hitlers dictating their will on others and supressing free speach. You either put up with it and ignore the "goons" in charge slag them off and get banned or go to an unmoderated forum where freedom of speach exists.

Why does everyone bring out the nazi comparison when they think something is evil? You could just say that they are totalitarian and it would be a bit more direct and leave alot less to guess on which part of nazism they contain. Not that I really agree with you, the mods here are great.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion.

Thats the point I'm trying to make, Entitled to ones opinion one is not always allowed to voice it on a message board.

Most members of English (to name but one) speaking boards live in a democracy and have freedom of speach it's a fundemental right of any citizen but on message boards those same free people create an enviroment where they dictate what can and cant be discussed and then throw out/ gag opinions they disagree with. I think that sucks big time.
Though by joining the site in the first place you actually agree to it...

Members must realize that this board is not public domain and membership can be withdrawn by the board owner at any time. Also, the moderators reserve the right to refuse any message for any reason. However, 99.9% of the time, the rules listed shall be the guideline for moderation of posts. Also, 99% of members will never have to worry about being banned as it is only very few that cause problems.

If you don't agree to it, don't sign up. It's an entirely voluntary process.

Oh, and if you think you have freedom of speech, stand by a check-in desk at Heathrow and say you've got a 40lb bomb in your hand luggage.
Wouldn't Nazis have already banned your insulting-self?


Just making such accusations shows us more about your character than the "Nazi Mods."

And speaking of character...
It wasn't nor was it meant to be witty, nor elegant nor insinuating, nor aimed at any one mod in perticular. Truth is I dont have a clue about the thread in question I've not read it nor did I read beyond the first line of ledhed's post here. I merely stated a fact that many once given moderator status go power crazy acting like little Hitlers dictating their will on others and supressing free speach. You either put up with it and ignore the "goons" in charge slag them off and get banned or go to an unmoderated forum where freedom of speach exists.

Wow... Commentary on something you don't even care to look into. :rolleyes:

Even better, you go off calling mods Nazis even though you have no clue what happend in the previous thread.

Good way to keep up that ethical standard set by the Nazis. 👍
(which Nazis, mods or infamous killers, you can figure out on your own)


But hey, atleast all of us Nazis are letting you say what you want for the time being.

Btw, as a Mod I will not say anything.
However, as a member, based on your actions, I'm gonna have to say you're a mean person with a talent for wrongly offending people through generalizations and un-informed speech regarding incidents you have no knowledge of (self admittedly).

But whatever. :rolleyes:
Thats the point I'm trying to make, Entitled to ones opinion one is not always allowed to voice it on a message board.

Most members of English (to name but one) speaking boards live in a democracy and have freedom of speach it's a fundemental right of any citizen but on message boards those same free people create an enviroment where they dictate what can and cant be discussed and then throw out/ gag opinions they disagree with. I think that sucks big time.

Well, it's hardly 'Speaker's Corner' we're talking about.... the fact is, as Der Alta has already pointed out, this is a privately owned forum, and there are rules... I agree with you in principle, but in practice, you can't really argue to vociferously... that said, I've never found these forums restrictive when it comes to free speech, especially in the 'Opinions' forum... everyone is welcome to express their opinion, so long as it is not expressed in an offensive manner i.e. by calling those who disagree with your opinion Nazis...
brain dead head suits you well Kent. If you could only read and understand Engilsh better you'd see I have not called any mod here at the planet a nazi. I'm generalising that many moderators across many boards act like goons and that the only way one ever sees freedom of speach is on an unmoderated board.
brain dead head suits you well Kent. If you could only read and understand Engilsh better you'd see I have not called any mod here at the planet a nazi. I'm generalising that many moderators across many boards act like goons and that the only way one ever sees freedom of speach is on an unmoderated board.

Well since I'm so bad with reading and grammar this probably will not mean much to you but...

When you speak in generalizations you speak of everyone, not any specific one.

So, just keep in mind.
"Generalizations" mean that you are speaking about everyone.

And so, when you speak of us being Nazis...
I merely stated a fact that many once given moderator status go power crazy acting like little Hitlers dictating their will on others and supressing free speach.
And being that the context is relative to this board (since no other boards were mentioned), you must acknowledge that through your lack of detail, you were in fact calling the mods of the gtp Nazis.

Plus, I still think you're mean, rude, and arrogant.
But hey, that's just a Nazi's view, right?
Your right it means nothing to me just a bloke trying to get out of a corner playing round with words insinuating I meant such and such when I clearly said different.

Other than your being insulting now calling me mean rude and arrogant.
Same happens on many boards mate. If your opinion on a subject is not liked by moderators, admins whatever they put the nazi boot in. Freedom of speach exists on unmoderated boards only.
Excuse me? The staff on this boards work very hard to keep our personal opinions out of our jobs here.

I post on the Opinions board a lot. I have made it repeatedly clear that those posts are NOT made in my role as a staff member. And when I have found it necessary to post there as a staff member, I have made it abundantly clear that the problem is NOT the user's opinion, but his way of expressing it. I have never closed a thread for the opinions expressed; but I have closed opinions threads for violations of the AUP or for the simple inability to keep the discussion reasonably calm and non-insulting.

I would like to point something out to you - this board is private property. The "right" of free speech exists here as a privelege granted by the owner, Jordan. This holds true for you, me, or some immature semi-literate whiner.

I'm really tempted to add a few choice personal words to you, Wity, but I think I will put "the nazi boot" on my own thoughts.
brain dead head suits you well Kent. If you could only read and understand Engilsh better you'd see I have not called any mod here at the planet a nazi. I'm generalising that many moderators across many boards act like goons and that the only way one ever sees freedom of speach is on an unmoderated board.

Here are some pretty fish for you to look at.
Your right it means nothing to me just a bloke trying to get out of a corner playing round with words insinuating I meant such and such when I clearly said different.
On second thought, after reading this little treat, I am not going to be successful in supressing my own thoughts.

Talk about blatant hypocrisy! Frankly I'm apalled and offended. First, Wity, you come in here and blast all mods - clearly implying that we're all Nazis and fascists - and by direct extension, the GTP staff in specific.

Then you insult Kent directly, with no "implying" involved at all.

THEN you have the friggin' nerve to say he's trying to weasel himself out of a corner by "playing around with words insinuating I meant such and such when I clearly said different."

You clearly said what you clearly meant. We all understood it perfectly. Then you tried playing around with words to get yourself out of the corner you talked yourself into.
Other than your being insulting now calling me mean rude and arrogant.
What happened to calling a spade a spade, Wity? You are rude and arrogant. You are hypocritical. In all my dealings with you on any board I've never seen you do anything other than piss and moan. Now take it on the chin like a man when it comes your way. Don't try to claim that "clearly" you did anything other than insult the staff of this board, since everybody who read your words understood that you had insulted us.
Well, he HAS been here long. Longer than most. But I suspect experiences with pre-meltdown Racing Line may have altered his perceptions.
Yeah, and we all know what a paragon of intelligent maturity Wity behaved like during that fiasco.

Wity, unless you're planning to actually understand something about this subject and event, leave it and don't come back. You admitted yourself that you hadn't read anything about it.
The thread remains closed. It was closed because it was grossly off topic from the original post and became like another thread that had 300+ posts already in it. It was redundant and unnecessary.

This thread is no longer needed for the purpose in which it was intended for.
I would also like to add that anyone who disagrees with the rules posted here should take the issue up with me. You can call me Hitler, a dicator, Nazi, whatever you like, but our moderators do not deserve such insults.
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