Replay; 30 FPS or 60...hmmm

  • Thread starter highlifeGT
So i noticed that PD added motion blur and a high res upscale of sorts on the gthd demo, and I hear that the gt5 prologue replays are the same. My question is. Why would we want to see a choppy 30 (or less, I'm not sure) frames per second of cars flying by when GT3 and GT4 had 60 frames per second all day long, no matter what mode; racing, replay, etc.

If you dont know what I'm talking about, go check for yourself. The drive by camera is half the frame rate of the in car and follow car view (driving views).

I personally think it was a mistake to add the upscale during replays. It looks "too crisp" at times, and because its choppy, (compared to the gameplay of 60fps) it takes away from GT's signature "butter smooth" replay and camera fly-by.

If this is the way its going to be, I won't be pleased. Perhaps someone at PD will suggest an option to turn the motion blur and upscaling off so we can still enjoy the butter smooth 60fps replays.
Frankly, I just watched a replay and I don't really notice the choppiness. Then again, some people get spasms seeing "jaggies" at 1080. :P

It seems like the consensus is it's better to have replays that look gorgeous with a slight drop in framerate than replays that look the same as the race, like a nice PC game. I'm in the thumbs up camp myself. 👍

But, maybe one of the views PD could implement, or replay options, would be 60fps unprocessed replays. I really can't imagine too many people would do that though, the processed replay is downright breathtaking.
Watching a race on TV is 24fps and I don't get distracted by choppiness. As long as the frame rate is consistent, that's what matters most.
I see that, since the Photomode Replay is being implemented, either on GT5P or on the final make of GT5, it's better to have sharper and more detailed images (with better looking smoke, blurred background, light effects, etc.) images at 30fps (smooth enough for 80% of the viewers) than less detailed replays at 60fps, which don't look overall as realistic, apart the fps rate.

As a Photomode addict, it would be much better for me to have a better base shot to work on, with more detail added, than a choppy still image, just because it would work at 60fps instead of 30fps.
Because, honestly, most people that watch the replays and pay a great deal of attention to them, are people that want to take pics of the race (regardless if they edit them on Photoshop or not after the shoot).
So i noticed that PD added motion blur and a high res upscale of sorts on the gthd demo, and I hear that the gt5 prologue replays are the same. My question is. Why would we want to see a choppy 30 (or less, I'm not sure) frames per second of cars flying by when GT3 and GT4 had 60 frames per second all day long, no matter what mode; racing, replay, etc.

If you dont know what I'm talking about, go check for yourself. The drive by camera is half the frame rate of the in car and follow car view (driving views).

I personally think it was a mistake to add the upscale during replays. It looks "too crisp" at times, and because its choppy, (compared to the gameplay of 60fps) it takes away from GT's signature "butter smooth" replay and camera fly-by.

If this is the way its going to be, I won't be pleased. Perhaps someone at PD will suggest an option to turn the motion blur and upscaling off so we can still enjoy the butter smooth 60fps replays.

it would be nice to have an option like that, but when i am watching a replay i wanna see all of its glory. besides 30 FPS is good enough :)
Since when is 30fps considered "choppy"? Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, that's what motion blur is FOR. I like it just the way it is, thanks. In fact, I think I'd like it if the whole frikkin' game was like that. I'd happily sacrifice framerate for in-game motion blur.
So i noticed that PD added motion blur and a high res upscale of sorts on the gthd demo, and I hear that the gt5 prologue replays are the same. My question is. Why would we want to see a choppy 30 (or less, I'm not sure) frames per second of cars flying by when GT3 and GT4 had 60 frames per second all day long, no matter what mode; racing, replay, etc.

If you dont know what I'm talking about, go check for yourself. The drive by camera is half the frame rate of the in car and follow car view (driving views).

I personally think it was a mistake to add the upscale during replays. It looks "too crisp" at times, and because its choppy, (compared to the gameplay of 60fps) it takes away from GT's signature "butter smooth" replay and camera fly-by.

If this is the way its going to be, I won't be pleased. Perhaps someone at PD will suggest an option to turn the motion blur and upscaling off so we can still enjoy the butter smooth 60fps replays.

I don't think we're gonna see 60 FPS replays in real time at all in GT5, even if they removed the blur there's still the CPU bound issue, i think the engine has trouble showing wide angles with all cars at the sametime.
It would be able to do 60 FPS, just no constant, and there would be very evident framerate drops if they went that route.
So instead they decided 30 FPS replays and they are using the left over RSX bandwidth for motion blur, depth of field, etc.
I do preffer the silky smooth 60 FPS replays myself.

Since when is 30fps considered "choppy"? Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, that's what motion blur is FOR. I like it just the way it is, thanks. In fact, I think I'd like it if the whole frikkin' game was like that. I'd happily sacrifice framerate for in-game motion blur.

I strongy disagree with you, 30 FPS is very chopy in games where the camera is constantly moving, and GT5 is one of those games.
Have you ever played PGR? sure it looks nice, but it looks choppy as hell, (and hey, that game DOES make some very nice use of motion blur on their defense.)

30 FPS is chopy, there's no two ways about it, it's just less evident in some types of games where the camera isn't constantly changing.

Also, have you guys noticed that this GT is the oposite of other gt's? in other gt's we had 30 FPS intros and 60 FPS replays/gameplay
in this one we get a 60 FPS intro and 30 FPS replays.

If you think about it they could release the little software they use for making that intro so we could turn replays into videos like that, with all the AA, 60 FPS, post processing effects we'd want.
Think photomode for videos.
I'm not quite sure if GT5P has motion blur in replays, I'd say it hasn't, but if it has, surely is better than GTHD's motion blur. In GTHD the only thing you could see in replays was the car, everything else was blurried, out of focus, while in GT5P everything is crisper.

Also I don't get that upscale thingy, maybe there's better lighting or something like that, but if you ask me, I can't tell any real diference between graphics in game and the replays, aside from 30fps vs 60fps.
Which appears to to reduced to me after these two updates, altough I have been hardly playing any SP races since to fully check.
Watching a race on TV is 24fps and I don't get distracted by choppiness. As long as the frame rate is consistent, that's what matters most.

24 FPS is what a motion picture camera runs at. Many tv shows and sporting events run on actual video cameras that display a much higher frame rate (because its NOT film)
Watching a race on TV is 24fps and I don't get distracted by choppiness. As long as the frame rate is consistent, that's what matters most.

TV shows run anywhere from 30 FPS to 60 FPS, you only see 24 FPS in movies.

As for the importance of the framerate being consistent, yes. it's important.
TV shows run anywhere from 30 FPS to 60 FPS, you only see 24 FPS in movies.

As for the importance of the framerate being consistent, yes. it's important.

I agree. I just ordered Prologue from Woots!

"It would be able to do 60 FPS, just no constant, and there would be very evident framerate drops if they went that route."

BTW, the quote above speculates how the replays probly cant run a solid 60fps anymore for replays... I DISagree with that one, for the obvious fact that if your racing 16 other cars and the ps3 is handling the physics and AI DURING the race all at 60 fps, then the replay should actually be EASIER on the CPU to pull of 60fps -Which was my whole point all along; If 60 fps is acheivable for replays, why the hell wouldn't you use it? F#$% motion blur, and screw after-render high res bull. The "in-race" resolution looks great from what I've seen. PD should change it, but I know they won't so in the end I'll get used to it. Thats my ONLY gripe I've ever had in the series (that and stupid AI, lol). none the less. Im stoked to play it, and I dont even watch replays all that often. = P
-C u all on the track for online play.
anywho, I'll se for myself in about 5 days. I did UPS shipping. I hope it ships quick.

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