Replay Feature

  • Thread starter RedOak
Dry Tarmak
This game needs a good replay theater/Editor.

For the ones who played the Driver Series, the Replay Editor is really cool.

Of course, Editing a Race is not exactly as 'action packed' as Driver for exemple, but it does give the player a very good control over what to see. I personnally find the reply of GT very good, but lack the 'intelligence' of a real Replay, like we see on tv. (hightlights, hotshots, closeupts...).

So, by having a way to place cameras, camera types on a recorded replay would be simply amazing. Choosing the song, timing everything.

I usually do that on my computer, but its partially cheats, since for the perfect editing (like the one they teach us in Video Editing school), you need many 'laps' and different races to achieve the exact footage you want. Then comes the cuting and timing with the music.. and so on.

But i believe with a good camera control on the replays, it would be possible to make really good material. And since GT4 looks amazing graphically...

Any thoughts on that?

of course, i was also thinking that it could be possible, with the use of the PS2 HDD, to allow more of that same stuff... even contests and uploads/transfers of edited replays...
I'd like a the ability to rewind and fast forward through the replays. And also be able to cut bits out of a replay and save them.

I think to place the cameras where you wanted, would be very hard to implement.

GT has the best replays of any games anyway, IMHO, so to be able cut out the best bits would be enough for me. And I hope it wouldn't be to hard to make work.
Oh Yeah, rewind and fastforward would be a definit +.

As for Camera Editing, its not that hard, really. Its just a question of not placing cameras 'wherever' the player wants, but edit specific places on each tracks where to place cams, and/or on cars. That gives the user the possibility to zoom and switch from camera to camera. Customize the angle so the camera follows the car, or not... add 'shake' effect and so on.

Just like in Driver.
I would have thought if it was that easy to change the camera point of view, we'd have a customisable 3rd person camera view. Or is that something totally different from the replay camera, which may be easier to implement.

I have seen a 3rd person view that was able to be moved, but it was so long ago, I can't remember what game it was.
As sson as they implement the hard drive with GT4, then replays could be what you guys wanted it to be.
Originally posted by redhed17
I have seen a 3rd person view that was able to be moved, but it was so long ago, I can't remember what game it was.
V Rally 2 on PS1.
PGR2 has a nice movable third person camera, would love to see similar in GT4 but I doubt we will :(

I don't use analogue sticks on PS2 pad anyway ;)