Replicating the Formula Skip Barber at Laguna Seca

  • Thread starter Jordan


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I'm attending Skip Barber Racing School's full, 3-day racing program at Laguna Seca next Friday! :D :D :D Of course, I've completed hundreds of virtual laps around the circuit throughout my GT career, but now I am interested in a more "precise" practice session. At the school, I'll be driving a "Formula Skip Barber" open-wheeled car, with the following specifications:


My question is, what car / setup combination in Gran Turismo 4 do you think will be able to most accurately replicate the speed and handling characteristics of the Formula Skip Barber on Laguna Seca Raceway? Knowing a bit of what to expect in terms of cornering speed, acceleration, etc. would certainly make the experience all the more enjoyable, so thanks for any suggestions or ideas you have!
I'd start with a Caterham so far as the car is concerned. But personally I haven't driven any semi open-wheel cars in GT4 yet so I don't have any settings. :indiff:
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From the stats above, I figured that you'd want something with a torque of close to 126 ft.lbs and a power-to-weight ratio of ~ 3.3 kg/HP. Not knowing much else about the physical characteristics of these cars, I'm guessing that an MR car would be suitable. Using our very own sortable carlist, I came up with the Lotus Elise Sport 190 ('98) (190 BHP; 139 ft.lbs torque; 3.5 kg/HP) or the Tommykaira ZZ-S ('00) (192 BHP; 144.87 ft.lbs Torque; 3.6 kg/HP). These small, light and powerful cars strike me as being suitable - especially the Lotus, which sprung to mind before even doing the stats search. But I don't know... I reckon either would require a fair bit of fine tuning to replicate the feel of an open-wheeler. Very jealous that you're getting to drive around Laguna Seca for real! Just don't do what we all do and stack it into the wall at the Corkscrew on your first time round :D
Thanks for the suggestions, guys, keep 'em coming! I had forgotten all about Caterham, and it does look like it will be hard to beat the ZZ-S or Elise in terms of power/weight ratio. Here's some in-car footage from the Formula Skip Barber around the circuit (oh my gosh...can't wait!!!):

Very jealous that you're getting to drive around Laguna Seca for real! Just don't do what we all do and stack it into the wall at the Corkscrew on your first time round
I know, I can hardly believe it is actually going to happen! I've waited on this opportunity for years, and when I found Skip Barber offering a $600 discount on the school at the U.S. Grand Prix a few weeks ago I knew it was time. :D
Wow! So it all actually worked out then? 👍
Hang on, next Friday is the 6th July right?
Are you still planning on being in Northern California the following weekend?
If so, you should come and demonstrate your newfound Seca-skillz to us at SFGTP1! :D

I too would've suggested an Elise or Caterham to suit the open wheeled style, although the Elise is probably closer since it maintains the MR drivetrain, while the Caterham has the open-ish wheels, but FR drivetrain.
Wow! So it all actually worked out then? 👍
Hang on, next Friday is the 6th July right?
Are you still planning on being in Northern California the following weekend?
If so, you should come and demonstrate your newfound Seca-skillz to us at SFGTP1! :D

I too would've suggested an Elise or Caterham to suit the open wheeled style, although the Elise is probably closer since it maintains the MR drivetrain, while the Caterham has the open-ish wheels, but FR drivetrain.
Yep, it did all work out, but unfortunately I will be leaving California on the 11th! :( I tried to work around the SFGTP dates with the school, but the airfare screwed everything up. I'm using frequent flier miles to make the trip, and unfortunately there are only a few select days which they can be used to reserve seats. To allow me to stay longer, I would have to extend my trip by almost two weeks, which I simply can't do. Now, if you could move the SFGTP around... :)
Have fun Jordan! My mum was going to get me a few laps in a V8 Supercar at Mallala, but unfortunatly I was too lazy to get my drivers license.
Ginetta G4, it weights only 1000 pounds (or less) has 5 gears, comes with 98HP, so maybe a few HP mods can do the trick. Also let's not forget the Caterham 7. Just look at daan's avatar to see what car it is, and it is in GT4. I think it weights 800 pounds, so a weight ballast might be needed. It does have 6 gears though, so I don't know...
Jordan, you lucky bastard! :)👍

Closest I got to do something like that was sitting on the right side of the driver in a 1992 (or something like that) Toyota Carina Touring Car at the Estoril Circuit a few years ago. I wish I could do it all over again, though... :rolleyes:
I'm going to second the nomination for a low-powered Elise. The midengine platform is going to really make a difference in how the car handles and feels - enough to make the Caterham a less likely candidate, even though the raw numbers look very similar.

I'm envious too, Jordan! Have a great time and try to get video of your laps.
Taking the lightweight mid-engined idea a bit further, how about the Lotus Europa? That car was actually a F1 car built to the road when it comes to the chassis structure and thus might be quite close here. :)

- R -
Jealous like everyone else. :ouch: :cheers:

I'm saying to go with the Elise as well. However, I've got a few specifics that might interest you...

"Elise '00 (the most basic elise)
Racing exhaust, port polish, engine balancing, racing chip, oil change = 149hp.
Weight reduction stage 3 = 649kg

Combine that with the right tires and you just might have a winner. 👍
I know the weight is a bit high but that's probably a good thing.
The Europa is a good suggestion, but it tends to suffer from lack of grip, thanks to skinny tires and less-perfect suspension geometry. The Elise chassis is better sorted. I was going to suggest more or less exactly what Kent did (though I didn't figure out all the engine work details). Start with the lowest-powered Elise and fully lighten it, then play with power adds until you get the number you're looking for.

You know those little Skip Barber cars run the DOHC 2-litre engine out of a first-generation Neon, don't you?
I'm attending Skip Barber Racing School's full, 3-day racing program at Laguna Seca next Friday! :D :D :D Of course, I've completed hundreds of virtual laps around the circuit throughout my GT career, but now I am interested in a more "precise" practice session. At the school, I'll be driving a "Formula Skip Barber" open-wheeled car, with the following specifications:


My question is, what car / setup combination in Gran Turismo 4 do you think will be able to most accurately replicate the speed and handling characteristics of the Formula Skip Barber on Laguna Seca Raceway? Knowing a bit of what to expect in terms of cornering speed, acceleration, etc. would certainly make the experience all the more enjoyable, so thanks for any suggestions or ideas you have!

Sir Jordan,
A most fortuitous opportunity Good Sir. Unfortunately, you will have to wipe your mental slate clean. Nothing in GT1, 2, 3, or 4 will prepare you for what you will experience. I've raced both Formula Vee's and Formula Fords at this magnificent venue and you are in for quite a time!
You will however be able to take this experience and improve upon your gaming experience!
A word of caution though Good Sir Knight, I have had the misfortune to leave the track at the top of the corkscrew 3 times in my humble career; once in a BMW 2002tii, once in a Ralt, and the third time on a Kawaski GPZ 1000. None of which left me broken, but all of which bruised my ego!
Goodspeed and good luck fortunate Sir!
Perhaps you should consider the Nike ONE or the Toyota Motor Triathlon machines. I seriously doubt anything in GT4 will be able to replicate the SB mini-formula cars you'll be driving.

Sounds like the ultimate blast, though 👍 Have a ball, and post MANY pics. Lots of us are going to have to live vicariously through your experience...
Good luck Jordan! Just remember to listen to what they say in briefing! My Dad did something similar but he wasn't in one of those he was only in a Lamborghini Gallardo then he went in a Ferrari 550. All the others seem to be along the right lines, if only we could get something like Formula Fords then that would fit the bill perfectly. Good luck again!
If i was doing it due to time difference i'd have to wait 8 or 9 hours less than you, Jordan. but come to think of it flying from the UK to California would set me back about 10 hours or so.
Never even knew about that school. Good luck, and don't spinny the winny. ..That made no sense.

I hope you enjoy it. Good luck, and GODSPEED!
Thanks for all your input! I just finished the last day of the school, and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life! This is an amazing circuit, and there is simply nothing that can prepare you for your first time at full speed over the corkscrew. :eek: Ultimately, however, it was our very own wise Fangio who said it best:

Sir Jordan,
A most fortuitous opportunity Good Sir. Unfortunately, you will have to wipe your mental slate clean. Nothing in GT1, 2, 3, or 4 will prepare you for what you will experience. I've raced both Formula Vee's and Formula Fords at this magnificent venue and you are in for quite a time!
You will however be able to take this experience and improve upon your gaming experience!
A word of caution though Good Sir Knight, I have had the misfortune to leave the track at the top of the corkscrew 3 times in my humble career; once in a BMW 2002tii, once in a Ralt, and the third time on a Kawaski GPZ 1000. None of which left me broken, but all of which bruised my ego!
Goodspeed and good luck fortunate Sir!

The game can really only help you with the racing line - I had it pretty much perfect the first time around, so I was able to concentrate on the other aspects of driving the car. Fortunately, I only had one serious spin at turn 2 (the hairpin) which sent me flying into the gravel, and I was able to get out without the help of the support vehicles. The biggest surprise for me was turn 9, the long downhill left-hander after the corkscrew. The g-forces in this turn are amazing, and it takes a LOT of guts to keep squeezing the throttle through here. There simply isn't any way that any game can replicate the's just amazing! They did record about 8 laps of onboard video for me, and I'll be sure to post it up when I get my hands on the footage. Thanks again for all your suggestions!
Excellent, Jordan! I'm glad you had such a great opportunity. Personally, I'd give my left... errr, quite a bit to do a multi-day track school at Sears Point.
Thanks for all your input! I just finished the last day of the school, and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life! This is an amazing circuit, and there is simply nothing that can prepare you for your first time at full speed over the corkscrew. :eek: Ultimately, however, it was our very own wise Fangio who said it best:

The game can really only help you with the racing line - I had it pretty much perfect the first time around, so I was able to concentrate on the other aspects of driving the car. Fortunately, I only had one serious spin at turn 2 (the hairpin) which sent me flying into the gravel, and I was able to get out without the help of the support vehicles. The biggest surprise for me was turn 9, the long downhill left-hander after the corkscrew. The g-forces in this turn are amazing, and it takes a LOT of guts to keep squeezing the throttle through here. There simply isn't any way that any game can replicate the's just amazing! They did record about 8 laps of onboard video for me, and I'll be sure to post it up when I get my hands on the footage. Thanks again for all your suggestions!

Definately put up some footage...i was gonna suggest that before i read your entire post.
Sounds like you has a great time, Jordan! I've yet to experience anything like it, let along get to drive myself!

I'll be looking forward to the footage if you do manage to get hold of it. :)
Way to go Jordan! I've thought about doing the same thing for a few years now, but as usual, something in life always comes up right when I have both the time/money to do it!

I too am looking forward to seeing any/all footage of your experience when time permits!

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