Request Cappuccino LSD starting point

  • Thread starter reaperman
I've managed to build myself a fairly nice 100hp RM Cappuccino, but the workings of the LSD confuse me. I feel it kicking on (or think I do), but that's the extent of my current ability. I've searched and seen a few threads explaining the theory behind them, but nothing really explaining how to set one up in GT5. Needless to say it's a bit over my head so I came here to hopefully save myself some time inputting random values. :guilty:

Could somebody give me a decent starter setting, some quick advice, or a link to a guide?
What are you experiencing under acceleration? Under or over steer? Please describe your LSD settings.

rm crapacino if I recall had a tendency to oversteer, expected from drivetrain and wheelbase, and had suprisingly dull turn in characteristics for such a small nimble car RM'ed. havent played with it in a while though, az-1 and dome zero are preferred small Japanese cars for me, or the mugen motul and RM civic.