Request Tune: 1970 Ford Mustang Trans Camver

I just spent an hour trying to get "good handling" out of the car, I did not tinker with top speed since I just adjust it according to track. I took a fully moded Trans Cammer and set it up on Deep Forest Track while using the Racing soft tires with no aids on besides ABS 1 on the car.

Transmission: 193 top speed

Initial Torque: 15
Accel Sen: 25
Brake Sen: 15

Front: -12 Rear -5

Spring Rate: Front: 8.4 Rear: 8.9
Damper Ext: Front: 2 Rear: 3
Damper Comp: 2 Rear: 3
Anti-Roll: Front: 1 Rear: 2

Camber: Front: 3.7 Rear: .9
Toe: Front: -.11 Rear: .05

Brake Balance: Front: 6 Rear 7

Hope this Helps