Restarting GT5. Fresh new Game

  • Thread starter tfujiwara
Same as PSN but I dont use it.
I'm thinking of deleting my GT5 game save. I want to restart fresh and knowing what to do. I did create an account already for the "Birthday" car, but before I delete my GT5 game save file from my main Account can I gift cars to the "birthday" account then delete the file, restart new and fresh and from "brithday" account re-gift back?
Why are you restarting? Starting from scratch is always gonna be worse than continuing your old game.

The ultimate replay value. If people are thinking of starting this game over in just a month than that says the A-spec is for sure not long enough. I on the other hand are having a blast with it at the moment.
I've spended my money on cars just for online. I can rarely win anything(money) with having 9 cars that are only usefull for a race event. So I'm kind of stuck with rarely any money. You could say I was just wondering the around, looking at the features and trying to get the hang of online community so I wont get addicted to drift with buddies anymore so I can focus my money spending it on racing career. Now that I got the Hang of what GT5 can do I can restart knowing what to do first.
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It is a Dance move, usually initiated by a female partner. Very erotic if done right.
Also a term for the mating ritual of Lesbians.
What is "grinding"? :odd:

It means doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...over again:sly:
American Championship - Indy race. Use ZR1 with race mods. 98k credits in under 4 minutes. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat...
Im with you there on restarting.. The only thing giving me the 🤬 is trying to get my gold licenses again.. It seems every time i'm always .xx1 or .xx2 off the gold time.. giving me the irrits.
Im with you there on restarting.. The only thing giving me the 🤬 is trying to get my gold licenses again.. It seems every time i'm always .xx1 or .xx2 off the gold time.. giving me the irrits.

Same here I temp to get Silver or above. I dont accept Bronze as "Passed" and I only use DualShock 3. But ohh well. I was only a level 13 A-spec.
Just keep doing your highest paying race/championship over and over again until you have enough cash to move on... Deleting your save and starting over will just slow your progress even more. make sure you check out the prize cars thread and avoid buying cars that you can win if possible... There's no point deleting the save unless you just wanna try for a better win ratio or something to that nature...
wow man u have more patience than me.

i wouldnt be able to bring myself to start this game over i don't much grinding to go through again
Now that I got the Hang of what GT5 can do I can restart knowing what to do first.

You probably is a high level.

I'm only level 16 and have another problem, that some cheap car beats anything. My 100.000$ stock Viper ACR literally raped Supercar Festival, GT World Championship and Tuning Car Grand Prix events.

Then I bought 20.000$ racing New Beetle and it raped everything in Schwarzwald League A.

I can use some competition, but I don't have money to buy plenty of cars and see which one is suitable for GT5 AI level. Actually one car from GT World is around a million and I have only 300.000
Ah yes I restarted my game after a week for same reason. I knew what to do plus I didn't have to be stupid in some areas I was before. Also stopped using driving line and such when I started a new game. Helped a lot doing that.
You want to start "fresh" but you want to use a birthday glitch car that destroys all of the competition leaving you racing for laps by yourself.

Is that correct?
I restarted, I felt like I was rushing the game without putting emphasis on the racing and also made some bad purchasing decisions. I don't mod my cars so now I have a better feeling of which car to use towards which event.
Same here I temp to get Silver or above. I dont accept Bronze as "Passed" and I only use DualShock 3. But ohh well. I was only a level 13 A-spec.

I was almost level 30. I was level 0 B-Spec aswell. :D Too bad I got a bad Software update :\ So I don't have the option of going "ill go back to my old save"

I also use DualShock 3. I've gotten Gold up to IA except for B-1 and B-3.. I feel so embarrased. :embarrassed:
I was almost level 30. I was level 0 B-Spec aswell. :D Too bad I got a bad Software update :\ So I don't have the option of going "ill go back to my old save"

I also use DualShock 3. I've gotten Gold up to IA except for B-1 and B-3.. I feel so embarrased. :embarrassed:

This is why it's imperative that this "December 20th" update includes a backup save-data option. Gotta save to an external HD...
This is why it's imperative that this "December 20th" update includes a backup save-data option. Gotta save to an external HD...

Even if I wanted too, I wouldn't have been able to back up my data. It took me 3 hours to sync my trophies and almost an hour for it to de-activate my account. That's how messed up the installation was. I was able to salvage my FALLOUT and Saints Row data, but that's all.

I really cannot be bothered starting GT5 again until they're finished with the updates, for all I know, I could be wasting my time looking for a car in the used car lot, and then in an updadte the next week it could be sitting there in a dealership for less Cr. then I paid for it, and it wasn't even new! I have my eyes set on The Sly Trilogy. Until then, it's black ops for me.