Restore point using more room than allocated

So I've been losing HDD space fairly consistently for the past few weeks and found out about restore points and changing how much you can allow to store. I turn my PC on this morning and notice over 10GB at least has gone, I check my restore point area and see that it has all gone there.

Image to help explain the situation


The past few days the 'Current Usage' was sat at around 23gb but you'll see now it's over 50gb. Is there a reason it would of gone over what I've set it to? I'm on Windows 7.

Appreciate any advice, it's getting a bit annoying.
I use both programs. But doesn't explain why it would go over the 10% I have allocated to it though? On the screenshot it says older points will be deleted to make room as to not go over..
If it is a large restore point it will go over the limit

If you set the limit to 5GiB and you have used 4GiB and it needs to have a 1.5GiB restore point, it will have about 5.5GiB in the "System Reserved" Folder.

Use CCleaner and remove all but the last 2 restore points, unless you know your PC is fine and you can delete all but the last.